Secondary News


Room 23 started Term 3 with a bang for their Literacy and numeracy on board but we also had Jacana Life Skills Program on board, along with three excursions planned. Due to Lockdowns we have not been able to see all of our students on-site but this has not stopped us from our hard work. Students have been doing and enjoying remote learning and families are staying positive. Students have been cooking, reading, gardening, watching movies and doing their Life skill program from home, art and craft and music. 

On-site students have also been doing lots of fun activities like bike ride, cooking, music and gardening. Teachers and support staff have been able to give lots of one on one attention to the vulnerable students which has proven beneficial to those students in terms of their learning and performing various activities. We are hoping to come out of this lockdown as early as possible and be able to enjoy on-site learning once again. 

Secondary Sub School News

Here is a selection of images taken from our onsite and remote learning experiences over the past week. All of these images have been taken from the seesaw platform. If any parents would like some more information on how you could use seesaw please get in touch with your Teachers. It can be tricky at first, but it is a very flexible program. 


We hope that you all have access to the learning materials you need on your preferred platform. We are using seesaw, email and hard copies that can be collected from School. Alternatively, we can send home packs via the Mee’s bus route. 


I wanted to say a big thank you to all the parents and carers out there who are continuing to provide opportunities for our young people to extend their knowledge. It’s a really challenging time but, as you can see, we are always learning.


Work Experience at Brite


Earlier this term, six of our Year 11 and 12 students had the opportunity to attend Brite to complete some unpaid work experience. Brite is located in Belfast Street Broadmeadows and is a Social Enterprise that has been employing people with disabilities for 40 years. Brite provides quality supported employment and training. They operate a commercial packaging plant and a wholesale nursery on their site.


Our students attended Brite twice, on Wednesdays and experienced what a day of work may look like. They were taken on a tour of the worksite and introduced to supervising staff. A workspace and tasks were then allocated. The first week the students were packaging glue and electrical tape. The students were engaged in participating in these activities and did an amazing job. The students had their morning tea and lunch at the worksite as part of the experience. The second week the students were given the task of assembling display boxes for soap. This was a priority job and the students needed to work quickly and efficiently. All the students rose to the challenge and the Brite supervisors were very impressed with their work. 


The students all enjoyed working at Brite, but unfortunately their experience was cut short by COVID-19 restrictions and the return to remote learning. Brite have offered us the opportunity to return again in Term 4 to continue the work experience.