School Improvement Survey
School Improvement Surveys
Since 2007, St James College, has taken part in the Catholic Education Office School Improvement Framework (SIF). This process is designed to promote self-assessment and ongoing development, as a Catholic and Lasallian College of excellence.
From 2019 on, this process is now known as “CEMSIS” Catholic Education Melbourne School Improvement Survey
CEMSIS will assist St James College further develop, our processes for improving learning outcomes, serving our families, and to address the purposes of satisfying legitimate expectations of government and sector authorities.
CEMSIS promotes an inquiry approach to determine action planning within the local school context. CEMSIS has the expectation that schools report to their community on a regular basis. The aim of the report is to inform the community of the School Improvement Plan and the school's progress in addressing the articulated goals and intended outcomes. Subsequent planning occurs each year based upon the progress and achievement of outcomes.
All families will be invited to participate in the CEMSIS online survey between the dates of September 2 – 20, seeking feedback about St James College. All students and staff will also be surveyed during this time. All responses will be handled by an external consultancy and remain entirely confidential and anonymous.
Survey details, logins and passwords have been sent home in sealed envelopes via your son’s in the week beginning Monday 2 September.
We thank all families for their anticipated cooperation and participation in this important planning tool.
Patrick Janes
Deputy Principal.