SIS Debating and

Public Speaking

SIS Debating

On Thursday 29 August, the SIS debating team debated at John Paul College for the second round of debates. There were numerous schools there ready to battle it out to become victors at the end of the day.


The Junior and Intermediate teams started off early with  unfortunate losses. We lost only by small point margins, the result could have gone either way for both teams. Later in the day, for the unprepared debates, both teams wanted to leave with a win and were prepared to do whatever it took. After finalising and some rehearsing both teams won their debates and ended the day on a good note.


Junior Team - Ben, Thomas, Josh, Xavier, Aden.

Intermediate Team - Dylan, Dalton, Archie.


Damian Perry

Debating Coach

Public Speaking

Congratulations to Frederick Telfer for progressing to the Grand Final of the Debaters Association of Victoria (DAV) Public Speaking Competition.


Every year the DAV runs a state-wide Junior Public Speaking Competition for students in Years 7 and 8. The program aims to give young speakers the opportunity to put their ideas forward in front of an audience whilst expanding their knowledge of current affairs. Students will develop the “building blocks” of public presentation—confidence, clarity, and the development of arguments—which are very important skills both in and out of school.


Maryanne Stefaniw

English Teacher