Parents and Friends

Christmas Cakes

Thank you to all the people who were able to help out with the mixing and weighing day on Monday.  A great effort, well done.


Vicki Whyte is co-ordinating the Christmas Cakes this year and did a great job on Monday. 


Please email Fi if you are able to help on the following days with the making and wrapping of the cakes.


Tuesday 9 October - Cake making in the Tim Murray Room from 8.30am Wednesday 10 October - Cake making in the Tim Murray Room from 8.30am Thursday 11 October - Cake making in the Tim Murray Room from 8.30am Friday 12 October - Cake making in the Tim Murray Room from 8.30am Saturday 13 October - Cake wrapping in the room SC3 in the Sports Centre from 9.30am.


Have a great school holidays.

Jane Evans