Excursion to Fareshare 

The Senior VCAL class attended Fareshare on Monday 12 August. Fareshare is an organisation that rescues food from supermarkets and farmers. They have a large commercial kitchen, where with the help of volunteers, turn the product into meals for people in need. The students worked in a production line and made 1628 quiches and packaged 3048 quiches. It was quite an achievement! Fareshare had a large donation of bread and our students helped turn this into breadcrumbs for the next volunteer shift who would be making sausage rolls. Later this term, the students will be running a food drive seeking products such as tinned tomatoes and pasta. These are products used regularly by Fareshare when making meals but never need “rescuing” from the supermarkets.

Kathleen Fogarty

English/Humanities Teacher