Assistant Principal's Report

This week I have returned to the role of Assistant Principal, after a prolonged period of carer support.  I would like to thank Pauline, the College Council and staff for their support during my absence and the warmth of their welcome.  I am greatly appreciative.  For the remainder of the term Glenn Jenner and I will work together as Assistant Principals to support parents, students, teachers and the school.


At the end of Week 6 we are bracing against the winter chill.  Fortunately, the end of Term 3 coincides with an emerging spring so we can soon expect warmer weather.  The end of term also signals heightened demands and expectations for students.  At this juncture students should be working consistently in class, and ensuring that coursework and homework are completed on time.  Students should check with their teachers to identify tasks yet to be completed and accordingly use their time wisely.  Please note that, based on ongoing teacher assessments, Interim Reports will be published during Week 9 of this term.  We therefore request that parents have a conversation about student progress with their child now, at a time when remaining coursework can be completed.


On Thursday, September 5, speakers from Elevate Education will deliver the motivational seminar “Finishing the Line” for Year 12 students.  This presentation is aimed at providing students with appropriate tools to prepare for exams and to maximise results.  The topics covered include effective time management, developing effective study habits, staying motivated, and prioritising tasks and work to maximise outcomes.

On the same evening – Thursday September 5 – parents are invited to the APAC Centre at 6pm for a one hour Parent Information Session which will cover the same topics from a parent perspective.  This session will provide parents with key understandings related to student motivation and what good study looks like, as well as information and strategies to support a student in achieving a balanced routine and effective time management.





To access this event, parents can simply click here





Parents are again encouraged to ensure that students wear correct uniform even in the coldest months of the year.  To keep warm, students should wear the school jumper and the spray jacket.  If this is not sufficient they can also wear a white T-shirt.  Students should not being wearing a hoodie to school.  Where students are found to be wearing a hoodie, it will be confiscated for the day and a Principal Detention will be allocated.  Some students also have been observed wearing nose-rings and other facial piercings.  These items are not a part of our school uniform code and should not be worn.  Likewise, they will be confiscated and generate a Principal Detention sanction.  The College readily recognises that the vast majority of parents actively support our uniform code and we are thankful for and appreciative of your efforts.


Graeme Scott and Glenn Jenner

Assistant Principal