News from Nurse Jess
To all the Yarrabah families,
What a strange few weeks we have had! Who would have thought we would be back here! But it’s been wonderful to see staff and families reverting back to remote learning rather seamlessly, I know it’s not the easiest feat (I have 3 children at home remote learning also) but no doubt you have all done your best.
As I want to remind you about the process Yarrabah is following in terms of sending children home.
Any child with a persistent cough, runny nose or sneeze will be sent home.
Any child who is presenting as lethargic and “not themselves” will be sent home.
Any child that has a fever will be sent home.
You will be asked to keep your child home until symptoms have resolved.
I am aware it is winter and common colds are prevalent and not all coughs/runny noses are COVID related but the directive from health officials has been consistent that If you or your child are unwell you must stay home.
Our staff is having to follow the same guidelines also so to ensure they can stay well and at school it’s important we all do our best to keep our school a healthy and safe place.
So if in doubt please keep them home as it will save you receiving a phone call from me shortly after drop off to collect them from school.
If your child is one that seems to catch every cold going around I suggest talking to your Pharmacist/GP about ways you can better support your child's immune system. As discussed in previous newsletters things like – probiotics, vitamin C & D, magnesium supplements can all be beneficial if you can’t achieve adequate intake through diet.
As always here if you need further support.
I look forward to seeing you at school this week, now that we have returned to onsite learning!
Nurse Jess