Upper Junior - Remote learning
Although the snap lockdown was sudden, it was great to see our students connecting to Seesaw so learning could continue seamlessly online. We were able to provide a broad range of lessons and activities, from the more academically focussed to informal, fun games.
For English, it was fortuitous that we planned for students to look at Concepts of Screen in Week 7 after having studied Concepts of Print the previous week. Students began their week of online learning, exploring and navigating through digital books and online libraries, then in Week 8, we started our new book, “A house for Hermit Crab” (Eric Carle) where our planned in-class exercises were adapted for the Seesaw platform.
In Maths, we continued our study of shapes and students showed us their understanding through fun activities involving colouring-in pizzas and sorting emojis.
We consolidated our learning of addition and subtraction with everyday items we can find at home like pegs and cards, and their digital Seesaw version!
Students also enjoyed the fun activities created by our wonderful Upper Junior team of co-educators:
- Phoebe got students sending in videos of them vacuuming at home.
- Students found great hiding spots for dinosaurs after Lyn read them the story “There is a dinosaur in the garden”.
- Michael taught students how to make Milo and sushi, and Camila got them to try rice crackers.
- Effie took students on a scavenger hunt for red things.
Inspired by Lyn’s snack train, students sent in photos of various interesting creations they made out of food.
- Students played “Simon says” and “Musical Statue” with Tegan.
In addition, we received fantastic examples of healthy eating which also showcased the versatility of Seesaw’s creative tools, giving students their own agency in choosing how they want to express their learning. Petro used Seesaw’s drawing tools to represent his plates while Jason used the text tool to represent his.
In a Story Time activity, Lachlan used the camera function to embed a photograph of his lunch.
It was also a timely reminder for students to review cybersafety rules and it was heartening to see some of their responses.
Whilst it was good to be able to continue to meet and work remotely with everyone, we are looking forward to when we can do all this face-to-face again!
Upper Junior - Onsite Learning
EEP News
EEP has had a very busy time over the past two weeks. All of the children and Families did such a great job with online learning. It was great to see the children at the live morning circles and the teachers and ES staff are so happy to see the children back in the classroom. The children in Room one have been making bodies using craft items. They have also been learning about the colours and what happens to colours when mixed together. Room two have been learning all about Australian animals. EEP got a special visit from one of the children’s pet duck who was only four days old. We are looking forward to hearing about it grow. Room three have started also learning all about Australian animals all the children got to make Emus in art, they look fantastic.
Lower Junior Update
It was so lovely seeing students during the two week lockdown. We thank all the families for helping teach their children from home. It was lovely seeing all the students back at school last Friday. Everyone has done such a great job transitioning back. We have been continuing on with our theme Transport as well as working on our life skills.