Religious Education

Dear Parents/Carers


Next week we celebrate the Feast of Mary McKillop, the first Australian Saint.

Next Tuesday, the 8th August, each year level will gather together to participate in a prayer service to remember and give thanks for the work of Mary McKillop.


Prayer for the Feast of Mary McKillop

Loving God, 

We thank you for the example of Mary MacKillop who, in her living of the Gospel witnessed to the human dignity of each person. She faced life’s challenges with faith and courage. We pray through her intercession for our needs. May her holiness inspire us to be people of hope, love and forgiveness. We make this prayer through Jesus the Lord. 



World Youth Day

Currently there are 600 young people from Melbourne participating in World Youth Day. Five of those people are from our affiliated parishes. This will be the first time the event has been held in Portugal.

The whole city will be alive with festivals as they visit the historical sites, listen to music, see theatrical productions and even participate in soccer and beach volleyball tournaments. Even more significantly, they will reflect on their lives as Christian people through worship and fellowship with other young Catholics from around the world.



Feast of the Assumption

St Bede's students will be attending Mass for the Feast of the Assumption on Tuesday the 15th August at 9:15 am. Please feel free to join us at St Bede's Church.


Please see the calendar in the newsletter for other important dates.


Have a lovely week

Bernadette Reed