Prep Area

Sam Micallef, Rowena Lytton and Elena Grande

Science Works Excursion!

On Thursday the 10th of August, the Prep students ventured onto their 2nd school excursion. We went to Science Works to explore weather systems and how thunder and lightening are made.


Whilst we were there, we were able to explore the Sportsworks gallery, Ground Up and the Think Ahead gallery. 


We had a whole lot of fun and our students really did display our school values whilst on the excursion. 


Check out some photos from our excursion!



In Writing, we have continued to engage in learning experiences and retelling simple texts in our own words. 


Our language experience of the week was to create a walking water rainbow, after we created a rainbow we used this as a writing stimulus. 



Our Preps have worked hard to retell the events of a story using their own words. We have been practising using capital letters, spaces between words and full stops in our writing. 


Anne Sgro Kinder Visit

On Thursday the 17th, the 4 year olds kinder kids from Anne Sgro came to visit Pascoe Vale North Primary. Our current Prep students helped give the kinder kids a tour of our school. We explored the library and read a story, we went to the Discovery Play room and had a look and discussion about the learning that takes place in that space, we then made our way to Prep classrooms and where we read The Very Hungry Caterpillar and made crowns. It was lovely to show our school off to one of our local kinders. Our Prep students had a great time and we hope the kinder students did too. 


Prep Special Person's Afternoon

Prep Father's / Special Person's are invited to join their Prep Child for a celebration on Friday the 1st of September.

Home Reading and Homework

Please ensure that your child is engaging in home reading each night. Reading is important and all of our students are so proud of the growth they have made in their reading this year. Please take the time to listen to your child read and praise them on their efforts.