Stuck in a Musical with You

After several months of intense preparation including rehearsals, character work, choreography and singing, this year’s major school production, Stuck in a Musical with You, was a hit. 

Stuck in a Musical with Youtoldthe story of Gemma (Ebony Stuart) and Bianca (Poppy McConchie), sisters who were once good friends, but are now torn over the same guy. When they are mysteriously sucked inside a Musical world, they will need the help of The Conductor (Celeste Penzi) and a host of eccentric characters to return to the real world and avoid the sabotaging antics of The Critic (Foxx Griffin). Featuring musical numbers from shows such as Grease, The Greatest Showman, High School Musical and many more, the show was a wild ride and plenty of fun!! 


There were students participating across all year levels and the contribution from cast and crew was outstanding.  To the many students who were part of the cast, a huge congratulations. Your performances were spectacular, your hard work and dedication to the show really paid off and it was exceptional to see you all display your talents. It was wonderful to hear the audience rave about all aspects of the show at the conclusion of the night.  


To the students who volunteered their time backstage or on sound and lighting, what a wonderful show of community spirit. An additional thank you to the many staff who assisted with lighting, sound, choreography, ticketing, rehearsals, and backstage assistance, the show would not have been able to run as smoothly as it did without this support. 


Finally, thank you to all of those that attended, your support for the school and the students does not go unnoticed and we hope you had a wonderful night! 


Luke Dixon 

Production Coordinator 


Ash Stewart

Production Assistant