Principal's Report

Professional Learning and College Direction


Berry Street Education Model


Recently all staff participated in the second module of the Berry Street Education Model (BSEM).  We are taking a whole school approach to implementing the BSEM. The model links trauma informed approaches with proven positive psychology interventions. The BSEM acknowledges that individual students have differentiated competencies, needs and strengths.  The training in the model supports teachers to apply the understanding that their practice must be fluid to meet changing classroom needs and populations.


The first module was completed in March this year and it focused on developing in students’ strategies around self-regulation and being ready to learn. As a result, the teaching team will be implementing practices around routine and predictability. 


The training last week focused on building relationships with others.


The staff will undertake two more training sessions in 2024 and we will be mapping out the full implementation plan in our School Strategic Plan.


Developmental Rubrics


The College was fortunate enough to receive a grant from Smart Giving to implement developmental rubrics to drive our feedback and assessment program. The teaching team has been collaborating with an expert in the field, Ben Lawless from Melbourne University, to create rubrics in all subject areas.  Developmental rubrics allow students to see what is expected, where they are at and how they are progressing.  This way of assessing students is grounded in the belief that learning is continuous and that students having a growth mindset boosts learning efficiency.


Student agency in learning is the key to learning growth and achievement outcomes and developmental rubrics engage students more effectively in their learning journey. We are very excited about this work. 


Attendance and Engagement


We are working with the department’s regional support team to focus on improving student attendance at school.  We have appointed Eleni Glossis as our Attendance and Re-Engagement Officer. She will be working with the sub school teams, students and families to track and monitor attendance of individual students and cohorts.  There is a letter to the community in this newsletter about Eleni’s role at the College and our focus on improving attendance outcomes for students.




We have had such an outstanding term of student performances so far.  The Performing Arts program is flourishing. The Production, “Stuck in a Musical with You” was a hit.  The students were exceptional and the show was inspiring.  Thank you to Luke Dixon and his team for all of the work they put into directing and producing the show. 


Our Annual Concert took place recently and once again our students shone. Thank you to Callum Harber and his team for the work they have put into developing our students in music and performance. 


Coming up is the State School Spectacular where our students are taking on roles in the ensemble cast and behind the scenes.  The event is on Saturday 9th September at John Cain Arena.


I encourage our school community to take up the opportunity to be in an audience when our students are performing. I guarantee you will be thrilled with, and proud of, what you see and hear.


Our Semester 1 Awards presentations were held on Friday. Congratulations to all of the recipients, it was very pleasing to see so many of our students be recognised for their achievements. Thank you to all the parents/carers who came along to celebrate. 

More information and photos will be in our end of term newsletter.  


New Staff


Welcome to the following new staff members who have joined us in recent weeks. 


Hi, my name is Trish Bennett and my role is Daily Organiser (DO) & Timetabler. 

My interests include my family – husband Andrew and 2 boys Chase and Emerson. I'm generally an active person - I play Netball and Softball socially and spend a lot of time driving the boys around to different sporting events. 



Hello, my name is Eleni Glossis and I am the re-engagement officer and wellbeing support here at Greensborough College. I’m all about cats, pizza and creating art. 






Hi, I'm Ross Pearson and a graduate of both LaTrobe and Melbourne Universities, who has been teaching for more than two decades in various capacities and locations around metropolitan Melbourne. I am a fierce advocate for public schools and access to education for all members of the community. I am currently teaching in the Humanities, English and Technology Departments.



My name is Patrick Willach, I have just finished university at RMIT and have started here at Greensborough doing Health and PE. I am loving it so far, taking year 7-9’s as well as a year 11 VM class. My interests include sports and getting outdoors. 





  • Brandon Chuah (Maths & Physics)

I’m Brandon,

I’m currently teaching senior level mathematics. I love maths and solving novel problems. As far as hobbies go, I enjoy bouldering and I generally find myself reading or gaming in my free time.

I look forward to meeting and getting to know everyone at Greensborough!

  • Anna Price (Science & Maths)