School Notifications 

It’s coming Shrek Junior the Musical – Save the Date


Dress Rehearsal (with an audience) Wednesday 6 September 10.30am to 11.30am,

Thursday 7 September 6:30- 7:30pm and Friday 8 September 10:30am – 11:30am


There are still tickets available for Wednesday and Friday:



Winter Uniform

A reminder that all children are to wear the correct winter uniform including blue socks and black school shoes on all days except when they have PE or classroom sport.  Please note that girls may wear navy tights or knee high navy school socks from Spartan.  All shirts are to be tucked in and the school wool jumper is to be worn except on PE or classroom sport days. Classroom teachers will inform you of the days when sport and PE occur.


Assembly is held at 9:00 am on Friday mornings and will be held in the hall. Parents are welcome to attend.

At assembly each year level will share their learning.  

Friday 25th August Book Week Assembly.

Book Week

We are all very excited to celebrate Book Week at St Columba's next week.

The theme is 'Read, Grow, Inspire'.  We have lots of fun activities planned.

Monday August 21

Snuggle Up and Read with a hot chocolate at 2.30. Students are able to bring their Oodies or dressing gown, a snuggly toy or maybe ugg boots/slippers to put on after lunch.

Friday August 25

Book Week assembly (including a book debate) and book parade. 

Students are encouraged to come dressed as their favourite book character or a character from one of the book week books.

This is NOT a casual dress day. 

During the week teachers will be focusing on the finalist books for 2023.

Each class will be super excited when they see who the mystery reader is who appears at their classroom door at random times through the week!

Please celebrate books and stories at home through the week with your children so that they truly READ, GROW, INSPIRE.