Teaching and Learning in 2C

In 2C students have had a fantastic start to the term learning all about graphic novels and comics. It has been so much fun learning all about how they are made. Students have even planned and made their own comic strips!
This week many students have received reading awards in class for their awesome work reading at home. Well done to Kendall, Kenzie, Layla, Max O, Noah L, Rhys, Will, Macy, Aylah, Isaac, Arlie, Bonnie and Michael who have all achieved a new milestone in their reading!
In Maths our class have been learning all about money, finding out about how and where it is made and why we use it. They have been busy recognising coins and notes, putting them in order and adding and calculating change.
In our Inquiry unit students have been learning about the weather and meteorology, creating their own weather maps and learning songs about the weather. They are loving extra brain breaks, guided dance and songs that assist with learning.
Term 3 is going to be awesome, 2C are looking forward to presenting at the next junior assembly and their upcoming Zoo excursion. I am so proud of all of 2C and I look forward to an exciting term ahead!
– Miss Chen