Teaching and Learning in ICT

This term in ICT students are learning all about code. We are discovering that coding is how we make a computer do what we want it to do. We are practicing our coding skills using a variety of activities.
In Prep, students have begun to build their understanding of code by learning to program ‘Blue Bots’ robots around a variety of maps and obstacles. Year 1 students are learning about sequencing and loops using Code Monkey. Year 2 are beginning to use block-based coding to complete a series of puzzles with programable ‘Dash’ robots. Year 3 and Year 4 are building on their understanding of visual programming languages with Year 3 learning how to identify and fix bugs in their coding, while Year 4 are creating their own programs that involve branching based on user input. Year 5 and Year 6 are discovering how coding can be transferred from one computer to another, using the features on our ‘micro-bits’ to create their own portable devices.