Early Years News

Pre-K to Year 2

The Early Years

Pre-Primary Gardening Lesson

In Pre-Primary we have been doing some gardening. We have been learning about caring for the environment and taking care of seedlings to help them grow into fruits and vegetables that we can then eat. The students have enjoyed getting their hands dirty helping to plant the seedlings, pull out weeds and water the plants to help them grow. 



Pre-Primary Reading Program

The Pre Primary and Year 9 had Reading Time together last week. Students from both ends of the College came together for a shared reading activity. The Year 9 students did an amazing job, reading with fluency and expression, in which they had the Pre-Primary students enthralled and waiting to hear the remainder of the story. The questions they posed had the students beaming with excitement and bursting to share their thoughts and ideas. Activities like this are heartwarming to witness and exaggerate the benefits of a Pre-Kindy to Year 9 College.



Mrs Lisa Ripley

Head of Early Years (Pre-Kindergarten to Year 2)