College Notices

Enrolment for 2024

As we are currently completing enrolments for places in 2024, as per our College Fee Schedule, it is a requirement that families notify the College in writing by the end of Term 3 if family circumstances are changing and if you are leaving Salvado Catholic College at the end of 2023. 


If this is the case, please email and attention your email to Mr Hagen to provide the required notice.


Drop-Off and Pick-Up Times

Kindly note that students should not arrive at school before 8:15am, unless they are going to OSH Club or attending before-school activities such as Choir or sport training. As a matter of safety for your child, there are no staff members on duty on school grounds during that time, and therefore no adult supervision is available.


At the end of the day, please ensure that arrangements have been made to pick your child up promptly, as a delay may cause them distress. Should you require after-school care for your child, kindly contact the OSH Club Team. 


Salvado Netball Teams

We have 6 Netball Teams playing with the Serpentine Jarrahdale Netball Association - three Under-10s, two Under-13s and one Under-17s. Although this is not a school-organised Netball league, the students are all from Salvado Catholic College, and coaches are all Parent Volunteers. 


They have all played very well this season, and both the Under-13s teams are playing the final games in their divisions! Thank you to Coaches and Managers for helping the teams!

They are now in need of your support at their next few games:

Keep watching this space for more news!


Father's Day Morning Cuppa


We would like to invite all fathers to a Morning Cuppa on 1 September (Friday), at 8am. Look our for the invitation coming your way soon! 




Bursaries & Scholarships

The following bursaries and scholarships are now open to students in Year 7, 2024.


Aboriginal Secondary Student Bursary


Year 7 2024 Academic Scholarship


Applications close on Friday, 22 September.


Free RAT kits


We have free test kits available (both saliva and nasal types). If you are in need of some, please come to the Front Office and ask for some. 


Learn the drums & piano at Salvado Catholic College!