Level 3

Level 3
The last few weeks in 3MW have been jam packed with learning and extra activities. We welcomed our international student Teresa, who has settled into our classroom as if she has been here all year. On her very first day in class, Teresa brought us all a Great Wall of China magnet – how special! Athletics Day brought with it perfect weather, encouragement, and great sportsmanship.
3MW have also been lucky to have Mr Arnold, a pre-service teacher, in the classroom each Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. He has been teaching some of the lessons and the students are sharing their knowledge and skills with him. Mr Arnold will be with us until his last day on Friday 8th September and he’s even coming on camp too!
In Reading we have been identifying the cause (what makes something happen) and the effect (what happened). It is important to remember that the cause needs to occur before we can find out the effect. Mr Arnold had some real-life examples for us to work with that included zooper doopers and happy students
During writing sessions, we have been working on explanation texts and collecting our own research notes about a topic of choice. Some examples include how caves are formed, the lifecycle of a frog, how the space telescope works and the water cycle. We used QR codes to access helpful research websites on how things work as well as NASA and National Geographic for kids.
Our focus in Numeracy has been division and solving worded problems. We had lots of fun investigating “Max’s Stolen Burger” while working on division with remainder. Students found clues around the room, worked out the clues’ equations to discover the information to rule out suspects. The equations helped students understand the relationship between multiplication and division, either with working out the solution or double checking their answer. Our culprit was found to be sitting at the front of the restaurant, ordering a large fries and was none other than burger burglar…
Teresa, our international student.
We caught you red-handed!
Mr Arnold took us outside to experiment with gravity and elasticity using different types of balls being dropped from different heights. We collected data after each test drop, worked out the average and then explained which ball had the most elasticity and why. It was a great afternoon working together in small groups.
3MW continued with the student journal wellbeing activities focusing on eustress and distress and during Friendology we made a display of our Friendology friendship mind maps!
And finally, we wrote long ‘o’ spelling words into shaving cream, drew a matching picture and cleaned the tables 😊