Level 2

Level 2
Look at what we have been learning in 2AS the past two weeks!
We have been continuing daily Circle Time in all Level 2 classes. Circle Time provides an opportunity for all students to share in a safe and predictable space. Teachers conduct an emotional check-in at least once a day so students are given the opportunity to tell their teacher how they are feeling. Teachers will always make time to listen to student concerns and provide them with strategies to ensure they are feeling calm and ready to learn. We use terminology from our school-wide Friendology program when dealing with friendship issues and conflict in the yard.
We have been learning to write alliteration and free-verse poems. We enjoyed showing off our creativity by drafting and publishing our own silly alliteration sentences and exploring the figurative language concept of personification, where students explored giving human traits to things that are non-human e.g. the trees danced in the wind. Students have been enjoying publishing their work and sharing their hard work with the class.
Students have been making a range of connections to our inquiry unit during shared reading as a class. We have had many interesting discussions about light and sound during these sessions.
We have been brainstorming spelling words with our weekly spelling rule as a class through games and crosswords. The students enjoy practicing their spelling and handwriting skills.
During Inquiry we have been performing many experiments to see how light projects differently on objects that are opaque, translucent, or transparent. We have had lots of fun using torches and mirrors this week!
In Numeracy, students have been learning how to measure and compare the mass of objects (and themselves) using informal and formal measurements. We have explored these concepts using a variety of scales as well as using objects around the classroom.
Inquiry: Sound and Light
Reading: inferring, critiquing, making connections, summarising
Writing: Narrative
Spelling: ‘ey’ as in key, ‘ear’ as in year
Grammar: Synonyms - Word Webs
Handwriting: E, F
Maths: Mass and Volume
Respectful Relationships: Respect my space, respect my body