
Monday 9am 

Friday 2.45pm 

Group 2 Term 3 Week 4 Wrist band awards 




Name and valueComment
FBBRyan - GrowthRyan you have shown so much growth this term in both your learning and your listening. You are thinking carefully about the choices you make and have demonstrated excellent progress in your reading and writing. Well done! 
FTDAryan (Ryan )  - Growth  

Aryan (Ryan), you have demonstrated remarkable growth in your reading and writing. Your hard work, effort and persistence is visible in your work. I am very proud of you. Keep up the hard work. 


1EJZara  - ResilienceZara, you are continuously showing resilience and using a growth mindset. When a challenge comes your way, you give a go and give it your best shot. Keep up the amazing work superstar!
1CRHamish  - growth Hamish you have continued to impress me with your growing efforts in your classroom work this term. It was so amazing to see you challenge yourself in your writing this week. I could see that you felt proud of your work. Keep striving to do your best! I look forward to reading your amazing writing for the coming weeks. 
2LLGabby Resilience - Gabby you are always working hard to improve in your reading, writing, and maths. You never give up no matter how difficult it gets, and you are always striving for more. Well done on “bouncing back” from all of your learning challenges this year!
2ASArchie ResilienceArchie has demonstrated great resilience this term. He has been participating more willingly in class and is a  great role model to his peers. You are a valued member of 2AS and it has been wonderful to see you here at school most days this term! Well done Archie!
3TMJagnoor For showing excellent growth in Maths this term. I’m so proud of him for attempting different problems and for making sure that he has all the equipment that he needs without prompting. Keep up the amazing work, Jagnoor!
4LSBrady - Teamwork

Brady consistently displays a remarkable sense of teamwork in all that she does. She goes above and beyond in her role as technology monitor, and others benefit from this. She understands the importance of listening and values others perspectives inside and out of the classroom. 

You are awesome!

4JEMia - Resilience

Mia Gao for demonstrating remarkable resilience and social awareness in entering a new class and being immersed in a completely different language. You are a wonderful member of the class who demonstrates dedication all the time. I love the poems that you have created during class time, they demonstrate a wonderfully expressive artistic ability. You really paint a beautiful picture with the Chinese language. Its translation to English was truly beautiful.


You are doing an excellent job in the classroom and we love having you as our new class member. 


Congratulations Mia!

5KLKeith- Teamwork: Keith has been the most incredibly empathetic and caring student. He has gone above and beyond to translate and make our new class member feel welcome and comfortable. I am so proud of you Keith. You are amazing!!!   
5APZoe - GrowthZoe, you are just so spectacular for achieving your writing goal of increasing your writing stamina. An amazing five page narrative so far is just brilliant growth. I am so proud of your achievements this year. 
6JLJeremy - Respect

Jeremy consistently goes above and beyond in the classroom. He respectfully listens when his teachers and peers are talking and contributes positively to class discussions. Fun fact- Jeremy has memorised the first 71 numbers of pi over the last 2 days! Amazing. 

You are an absolute gem Jeremy, keep being you!


Kate - 

Respect, Resilience, Teamwork and Growth

Kate, we have absolutely loved having you in 6RH. You are a warm, kind, friendly, hard working and caring individual. You truly have demonstrated all of the HEPS values during your time here and we want to wish you all the best when you return home. Keep shining bright!
STEAM  No award
PEJackson: TeamworkFor being a great classmate and always doing his best to make everyone feel involved during our PE lessons. 
Japanese No award
Sustainability No award 


Term 3 Assembly roster

All parents and families are welcome to our assemblies. 

This term we have some sneak peaks to show regarding our whole school production. 

Monday morning at 9am - whole school 

Friday afternoon 2.45 in the gym. Group 1 and 2 alternate. 

Term 3 HEPS Monday assemblies 9am (whole school – front of school)

Content - National anthem, school oath, acknowledgment of country, focus for the week, lunch club reports, sport and community recognition, birthday celebrations 
14/8Level 1 and 4 students speaking about production
21/8Sneak peak – Production 2023 (Level 5)
28/8Sneak peak – Production 2023 (Level 3)

Sneak peak – Production 2023 (Level 2)

Fathers Day assembly


Aim High Assembly – Whole school 

Sneak peak – Production 2023 (Foundation) 

Choir performing 

HEPS Friday assemblies 2.45 – 3.30pm (gym)

Group 16JM, 6JL, 6RH, FKB, FSB, 1RK, 1KR 2DW, 2MY, 3MW, 3GE, 4BA, 4TO, 5YS, 5KV 
Group 26JM, 6JL, 6RH, FTD, FBB, 1EJ, 1CR, 2LL, 2AS, 3TM, 4LS, 4JE, 5KL, 5AP 
Date Classes attending and house captains Class running assembly

Connect Groups


Student led assembly   

Group 1 Gold House  

Grandparents Day 

Foundation FKB and FSB

Instrumental music performers TBC

Japanese captains presenting


Student led assembly   

Group 2 Green House  

4LS and 4JE

Instrumental music performers TBC 

Japanese captains presenting


Connect Groups


Student led assembly   

Group 1 Red House 


Instrumental music performers TBC


Last day of Term 3 

Whole school assembly 2.15-2.30pm – front of school