Level 6

Level 6
In Maths, Level 6 students have been exploring and investigating concepts of time. The focus has been on how to solve worded problems as well as real-life maths problems associated with time, elapsed time, times and time zones around the world and 24-hour time. The week culminated in students working on creating a day out in the city and planning this activity. They have explored how timetables are used and how best to travel from a certain place. They have explored websites such as the PTV (Public Transport Victoria) website and utilised the online journey planner and bus/tram/train timetables. Students have had agency over what their trip may look like, where they go and what they visit, and how long they spend at places, attractions etc.
Sport – Downball Incursion
Due to the inclement weather earlier in the term, our Level 6 students had their Downball incursion postponed. Last week, Level 6 students were able to experience this event in the glorious sunshine that presented last Monday. The Downball Australia coaches spent time with each Level 6 grade and taught them the ‘ins and outs’ of the game. The ‘old school’ rules provided students with some new challenges – with the likes of cherry, footsies and other new rules not permitted. This did allow some the Level 6 teachers to showcase their skill (I hear Mr Mulder is pretty hands on the downball court!). Each student received a new downball courtesy of Downball Australia, which has become such a hit with students, with the trend amongst students now being playing a game at any chance they have!
This Term, our focus has shifted to Science – our Solar System, circuits, light, states of matter and the digital realm. Students have explored the concept of the Solar System and have created the planets and Sun using Paper Mache. We have also explored the concepts of gravity, light, forces and matter and continue to through experiments. The end of the term will see students explore coding further, with students creating a game via the app Hopscotch. Communication around this app and downloading it for free will be communicated soon via Compass.