Level 5

Level 5
Level Five had an incredible time at Bayswater Secondary College! We felt like high school students as we experienced Home Economics, Sport, STEM and Art. We were provided with morning tea, lunch and an amazing goodie bag. It was so well organised with the students and staff being so friendly and warm. It definitely a day to remember!
We had so much fun learning about different types of forces so that when we see them being applied in the world, we can recognise them and use them when creating solutions. Students conducted various experiments to understand the scientific method's components.
The highlight of inquiry this week was the balloon race! In the balloon experiment, we learned that thrust comes from the balloon's energy, forcing the air out. Different sizes and shapes of balloons will create more or less thrust.
We started our information report unit this week. We are learning to write an information report about Space. We are improving our skills in doing adequate research, taking notes and rewriting the information in our own words. We are working on how to structure paragraphs using relevant information.
During reading sessions, we learned about the text features of a nonfiction text. We identified the bold words in a nonfiction text to monitor for meaning. We also explored the importance of visuals in a nonfiction text (graphs, charts, pictures, diagrams, etc.) to add to our understanding of the text.
Students in level 5 learned how to compare and order common unit fractions and locate and represent them on a number line. They investigated strategies to solve problems involving the addition and subtraction of fractions with the same denominator. Next week, they will learn to make connections between equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages.
Athletics day was full of fun and joy, supporting one another to do their personal best. The Level Five students used a growth mindset and positive attitudes to make the day wonderful. The students completed high jump, shot put, hurdles, 800 metres, discus, long jump and sprints. It was wonderful to see everyone cheering each other on and being encouraging.
Friendology has been a valuable tool when learning about healthy and unhealthy friendships. We have been working on clear communication and how to put out friendship fires as they arise. It has been beautiful to see students using the friend- o- meter and strategies to build positive relationships.