Level 4

Level 4
Level 4 at HEPS are excited to update you on some exciting things that our students have been working on lately.
In our Literacy class, we have been learning about different types of poems. We have explored Diamante, Haiku, Limericks and free flow forms of poetry. Using these poetry techniques, our students have been able to unleash their creativity, expressing their thoughts and emotions in a unique and fascinating way. Our students have become more confident and have shown an improvement in their writing skills and their emotional expression. They are creating their own short anthologies that parents may like to read if they log onto their children’s Google Drive. There is sure to be a laugh, deep thought and emotions freely available to sample.
In our Numeracy class, we have been working on learning about fractions and how angles work using protractors. We are excited to update you on our progress in learning about the terminology of fractions. Our students have been working diligently on understanding how to add, subtract, multiply, and manipulate fractions. They have been making some incredible connections. They have explored bringing together two or more fractions, sometimes with different denominators, which is why we need to find a common denominator. Our students have had fun understanding and using fraction knowledge to solve problems and make models. Their work with angles, protractors and compasses have been equally engaging. Students are becoming familiar with recognising and measuring angles, they have also used their angle knowledge to develop an understanding of basic navigation/orienteering.
Finally, we would like to highlight our work with connections and the importance of teamwork and collaboration. Our classes have been participating in team and individual playing exercises, such as ‘Down Ball’ and ‘Friendology’. Through these exercises, students are learning how to work together in team situations, developing communication skills, and most importantly, having fun. We believe these exercises have provided an opportunity for our students to bond with each other, creating a positive and friendly atmosphere in the classrooms.
We are extremely proud of our Level 4 students. We encourage parents to continue supporting their children's learning at home by practicing these concepts in their daily lives. We are proud of our students and the progress they have made.
Thank you for your constant support in our students' academic journey.