Term 1 Week 2



  This week in Reading we have been establishing our classroom libraries and individual book boxes. We have discussed how we pick a "good fit" book and useful reading behaviours. We have been building our reading stamina by practising independent reading each day. Next week we will sorting and caterogising our classroom libraries based on genres. 



We have started the year looking at who we are as writers. We have discussed our ideal writing environment, what motivates and inspires us as writers and the different tools and resources we can use when writing. Next week we will be looking at speech writing and will be preparing a speech for the Junior School Council. 


Word Study


To begin the year we have been consolidating the student's knowledge of the codes taught in Grade 2. Next week will we be using assessment data to plan our 'bootcamp' lessons where students will be introduced to new rules that will help them with their reading and spelling.


This week in Mathematics we have been inquiring into what mathematicians do and the skills they require. One of the skills identified is how to collect data. The students surveyed their classmates and created a graph displaying the birthdays in the class. Next week we will begin our units on place value and chance. 

Unit of Inquiry

Our first Unit of Inquiry is ‘Who We Are’. This week as part of the ‘Tuning In’ phase, the students have engaged in provocation activities related to the concepts; Connection and Challenge. Through collaborative processes they have worked together to build their understanding of these concepts. Next week we will begin finding out about the ways people learn. Students will reflect upon their own learning behaviours and the strategies they use when learning. This will highlight that as individual we all learn differently.  


Wellbeing is going to continue to be a focus this year. Through term one we are going to explicitly introduce the students to a variety of Mindfulness activities. Each week we will highlight a specific strategy and identify it’s benefits. We will go through different forms and examples. This week we explored Mindfulness Breathing and next week we will focus on Yoga. 



Friday 12th February - Pupil Free Curriculum Day 

Monday 15th - Thursday 18th February (Week 4) - Pastoral Care Meetings


Grade 3 Team 

Meet the Grade 3 Team 


3A - Heather Jenkins (Mon-Weds)

& Amanda Kerr (Thurs & Fri)




3B - Sylvia Zanati  



3C - Emily Seccull 



3D - Georgia Kirk
