The Year 10 Math Methods classes have been exploring Linear Modelling with an experiment about water flow from a wooden barrel. 


The barrel was filled with water and then emptied in 1 litre intervals to establish an average rate of flow. The concept of rate of water flow and modelling this via a linear equation were the focus. 

Other Linear Models have also been explored and this has included discussion around rate of pay for casual work.


Michael Lee

Maths Teacher


"I enjoyed the barrel activity because it gave us a chance to be outside and work in a different environment, rather than doing book work in the classroom, and we got to see the formulas we were learning in action and applied in real life scenarios." 


Year 10 Student


Last week Mrs Dixon's 7O Maths class played a place value number game. We randomly selected numbers from a plastic bag from 0-9. Depending on what numbers we got, that determined how many points we would get. We had to create the smallest number, largest number and various patterns of numbers.  


It was totally at random, which made it a great game to get to know your peers and have a friendly competition. 

Emily Ellis, Lisa Phan and Jordan Yahalom

Year 7 Students