Important Notices

Carparking at Mazenod College
Welcome to the 2021 academic year. This year has begun in earnest and we have already allocated computers to our new year sevens, had photos taken of our entire student body and are planning for sports carnivals and music performances. It certainly has been a busy time and we haven't yet completed a full week back at school! If I may, I would like to take this opportunity to remind parents as to the parking expectations that we have at the College.
We ask parents not to drive down Kernot Avenue at the beginning and end of the school day. In the past the best pick up and drop off point has been the Monash Community Centre car park which can be accessed via Wellington Rd. Alternatively, students can be dropped off and picked up from Monash Drive. As you may have experienced this can become quite congested so a short walk, by your son, to the service lane of Springvale Rd or down to Wellington Rd may be a better option.
Please be mindful that we value the support of the local residents and some have already complained to the College this year about parents parking across driveways or making it difficult for them to reverse from their homes, into the street. The safety of your sons is our first priority, thank you for your cooperation. Have a great year!
Mr Tony Rolfe
Deputy Principal (Operations & Compliance)
Lost Property
Please ensure all student's property including calculators, books, folders, pencil cases, jumpers and jackets are named.
Lost property can be collected from the Health Centre.