From the Rector

As the newly appointed Rector of Mazenod College I have been invited to introduce myself to you in this first edition of the college newsletter.
My name is Fr Harry Dyer OMI and obviously a Missionary Oblate of Mary Immaculate.
I was born in the Latrobe Valley, Gippsland in the former Yallourn Hospital before it was removed for the exploration of more brown coal as a power source.
I attended St Mary’s Primary School, Newborough and then St Paul’s Marist Brothers College (now Lavalla College), Traralgon. After 10 years in the Victorian Public Service with the Housing Commission, Morwell, I entered the Oblate Seminary in 1984. I was ordained a priest on July 13, 1990 at Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish, Newborough. Since my ordination, I have been blessed with a variety of appointments. My main ministry has been a rewarding and enjoyable involvement with God’s people through parish life in Victoria and Queensland. Other ministries: Director of Rosies, an outreach to the homeless and street children on the Gold Coast, Director of the Missionary Association of Mary Immaculate, promotion and fundraising for our overseas missions, volunteer Police Chaplain in the Latrobe Police Service Area, inaugural Director on the Board of the Diocese of Sale Catholic Education Ltd (DOSCEL), member of the Board of Consultors for the Bishop of Sale. I was privileged to serve as the Oblate Provincial for the Australian Oblate Province and China Delegation for 6 years (2007-2013).
This year of 2021, after 6 years in the Parishes in Partnership of St Kieran’s, Moe, and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Newborough I find myself in this new ministry and role as Rector of Mazenod College, Mulgrave.
It has been a hectic start to the year as I come to terms with meetings, new terminology, living by the bell and having my photo taken (I think about 14 times now), meeting all the welcoming staff and of course, the main reason why we are all here, meeting our young men who we want to assist on their journey of Spiritual, Intellectual and Physical development. This development is a partnership with your son, you, his parents, and all involved at the college.
I pray that 2021 will be a year with no major interruptions to our college and home life, that perhaps we have taken for granted in the past. I look forward to meeting you as we experience together with the multi-faceted life of Mazenod College.
Finally, ‘Go Pies!’ This is one area of my life that will win many friends and challenge others. That is life!
Yours in Jesus Christ and Mary Immaculate
Fr Harry Dyer OMI