Health Centre

Thunderstorm Asthma Season
According to the Department of Health and Human Services, there is a greater risk of an Epidemic Thunderstorm Asthma event occurring this year due to a wet spring encouraging grass growth. This is caused by the La’Nina effect, which usually means above-average winter-spring rainfall for Australia.
Click on the following link for further information.
If your son suffers from Asthma, please ensure that he has his own Ventolin and spacer for use at school.
Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, we are unable to wash inhalers for re-use in the health centre.
If your son requires the use of a Health Centre Ventolin, we will notify you and request that it is replaced with a new one.
Hay Fever
If your son suffers from Hay Fever, please ensure that they take an anti-histamine before leaving home in the morning. The Health Centre has a small supply available for emergency situations, however, we cannot supply your son on a daily basis.
If your son requires eye drops please send them to school with him and we can assist him with inserting them.
If the current anti-histamine your son is taking is not effective, please speak to a pharmacist or your GP for an alternative.
Due to the latest COVID outbreak, masks are required to be worn at school inside.
Please ensure that your son brings a mask from home to wear. A spare mask is also recommended in case of breakages.
Protocol for unwell students and staff amid the Covid-19 Pandemic