Wellbeing MATTERS!

Wellbeing MATTERS!

Dear Families,


2020 has been a year of challenges balanced with great success as our school staff, students and parents worked through the pandemic.  It is fair to say as the end of the year approaches it feels strangely ‘unfinished’ and ‘flat’ as we’re not able to finish with our usual flurry of joyous farewells and celebrations as a school community.


It is still however an especially exciting time of the year as we prepare to celebrate the learning of our students and the important transitions they are about to make within our school, into our school and beyond as they move to Secondary school.


As we reflect on the 2020 school year who better to ask than our students!

Year six students were involved in a ‘Reflection Day' on Monday.  Even though their grade six year was interrupted by the pandemic students were still able to reflect on the BEST ‘thing’ about their year! Responses included:


“Probably wearing these EPIC year six shirts.”


“Home school, it was a new experience.”


“....the fact that we got to be a leader and role model.”


“Being able to express myself and be a role model for others. I also met friends and people I care most about.”


“...hanging out with my friends.”


“Sport and the epic shirts.”


“Being a leader was fun and having leadership! You get to create lots of things that might take you out of your comfort zone but it’s worth it!”


“Just being in grade 6.  You are the leaders. You get to do the jobs.”


“Probably cool shirts and recognition.”


“Being given the opportunity to do lots of things.”


“The best thing about being in year 6 is learning.  Being a role model and our amazing teachers.”


2020 will be remembered for lots of things - both the positives and the challenges - BUT the fact remains that our students were still able to see some positives that came out of 2020.


Monday will see our Year Six students Graduate. Even though most of us will be watching the livestream they will Graduate and will receive the accolades and recognition they deserve as the leaders of Sacred Heart School for 2020.

I congratulate each one of them and their families on the way that they have managed the year of 2020!  Good luck as you branch out into the world beyond Sacred Heart School.  Go well and be your best!


I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year - stay safe and stay well.  See you all in 2021!



Please feel free to contact me if you have any concerns or queries.


Debbie Turvey

Pastoral Wellbeing & Learning Diversity Leader


(03) 5824 1841


Stay tuned in our school newsletter for more ideas and conversations around promoting wellbeing and learning in our school community.


Have a great week, make the choice, be your best!