The liturgical season of Advent marks the time of spiritual preparation by the faithful before Christmas. We begin Advent preparing for the arrival of the Christ child of Bethlehem, the light to the nations and only Son of God.
During this season, we reflect a little more deeply on the words of the Mass: ‘As we await the blessed hope and the coming of our Saviour, Jesus Christ.’ A time for us, as the Gospel says, “to be on your guard and stay awake, because we do not know when the master of the house is coming: evening, midnight, or dawn” (Mark 13:35). During the season of Advent, we pray that God will continue to prepare our hearts in readiness to welcome Jesus into our lives even more abundantly, this Christmas.
During this time of preparation, we use the symbol of the Advent wreath to count down and reflect on our lives, before Christmas. Within the wreath are four candles, a new candle is lit on each of the four Sundays of Advent. The four candles traditionally represent hope, faith, joy, and peace. Often, the first, second, and fourth candles are purple; the third candle is rose-colored. A fifth white candle may be placed in the centre and is lit on Christmas Day to celebrate Jesus’ birth.
At Mater Dei, we are grateful for the support we receive from Catholic Mission, as partners in the on-going social justice formation and moral development of our young people. To this end, we support their valuable project work and global commitments through charitable fundraising through our House Days and Socktober initiatives throughout the year. We are proud to share this thank you message from Jane Plum, Diocesan Director for Catholic Mission.
Thank you again to the very generous community of Mater Dei Catholic College for each individual person’s donation, which combined comes to a total of $7612.67. In this time of the COVID-19 Pandemic, when a community’s capacity to donate is reduced, your donations are greatly appreciated. Please continue to pray for our partners in Cambodia and around the world, remembering Pope Francis words, “Prayer is the first missionary work that every Christian can and must do, and it is also the most effective even if it cannot be measured”.
God bless you all, Jane Plum
The Feast of the Presentation of Mary is recorded in the infancy narrative of James. Mary was born to Joachim and Anne, and at 3 years of age her parents dedicated her to the service of the Temple. Mary studied and served there until the age of 14. Her example of dedication to faith and service inspired Nano Nagle to establish an order, aptly named ‘The Presentation Sisters’.
What we celebrate on this day is the fact that God chose to dwell in Mary in a very special way. In response, Mary placed her whole self at the service of God. Every moment since our Baptisms, God invites us to be open to his grace and dedicate ourselves to him, as Mary did. May God’s light continue to shine on our Wagga Presentation Congregation and may all the wonderful Sisters feel our love and affection, from a distance, this year.
Let us be attuned, as Mary and Nano were, to God’s presence in the depths of their experience…
God of Mary and Nano,
We thank you for the companionship of Mary and Nano. We invite you into our lives in a new way today as we meet the challenges and welcome the blessings of this time in our world. Thank you for your presence and peace.
On Friday of Week 6, Year 10 students had the valuable opportunity to engage in sessions from Real Talk, which workshopped ideas about engaging in positive relationships, from a Christian perspective. Real Talk presentations highlighted the moral and physical imperatives of making informed decisions and keeping safe; especially when it comes to engaging in relationships.
Students were encouraged to be critical consumers of media messages and to respect the dignity and value of every individual. Fundamental to the program is the notion that it is only in truly valuing yourself that you can experience happiness. The sessions were designed to support students to grow their understanding about living a life with dignity and integrity in order to realise their full potential and build meaningful relationships.
With the commencement of Advent, we prepare our hearts and minds to receive Jesus anew this Christmas, we take the opportunity to dedicate this preparatory time to acts of service and good will.
The 2020 Mater Dei Christmas Appeal presents us with the opportunity to support the ongoing work of the Kooringal Conference of Vinnies, who prepare Christmas Hampers for the less fortunate of our community. Collections have been underway for the past couple of weeks in Homegroup and will continue up until Thursday 10 December.
Donations are gradually building, however, we call on the support and generosity of our Community to see these increase before our handover. Please take the opportunity to make a Christmas themed donation to our appeal, reflecting on the types of festive food you enjoy on Christmas day, and picking up something during your grocery shop.
Some suggestions of non-perishable Christmas donations...
Christmas Pudding or Cake
Tinned Ham
Bon Bons
Tinned fruit
Cake mixes
Lollies or chocolates
You are also welcome to donate gifts for children, if doing so, there is no need to wrap these, just place them in an open gift bag or plastic bag. All gift card donations are also gratefully received. Thank you for supporting the MDCC Vinnies Christmas Appeal this year. Your donations are so richly valued by their recipients!
Many classes have been undertaking 'Service to the Community' Projects over the last month. Our Food Technology, Hospitality and Religious Education classes have been cooking up a storm, making donations to send off to individuals and families of the Riverina who are in need. Our donations are being distributed far and wide through the Wagga Carevan and through Vinnies Micah Hub. Thank you to the teachers, support staff and students who have been so generous in their time organising and preparing these donations, I am sure they will be gratefully received!
This will be my last Newsletter contribution for 2020, as the Acting Leader of Mission. May I take this opportunity to share a heartfelt message of gratitude for journeying with me over the last three years, during my time in this role. Thank you for your encouragement of the many student programs of Faith Formation at the College; the Retreats, Camps and Reflection Days your sons and daughters participated in, and you have supported.
Thank you for being an active member of our community of faith; the College Masses, prayers and virtual liturgies we have used as a catalyst to reflect our gratitude, recognise our challenges and celebrate together. I wish each family in our Community a blessed Christmas, filled with hope and joy; may your time together be filled with love in abundance.
May there be harmony in your relationships
and may your kind words and acts be rewarded.
May you receive love generously, as you have given it so freely.
May each person who comes into your life be greeted as another, in Christ.
May the hope of this Christmas season settle within you and enliven your spirit.
May your family and friends be especially blessed at this time,
celebrating together with grateful hearts.
May you realise daily, the sacred gift of your person
and reflect the hidden treasures in your lives.
May the coming year be one of good health for you, filled with energy and vitality.
May you keep your eye on the star within you
and may the luminous presence of Christ, guide your heart, mind and hands.
Mrs Amelia Bright | Acting Leader of Mission