Physical Education Educación Física

Señora Nikki McGar 

Welcome back! It has been so lovely seeing the enthusiasm for our PE classes this term. I am so proud of our year one students for the way they are taking care of our preppies and showing them the ropes. Students have started the year off with some familiar games with friends. All year levels have had the opportunity to say what sports, activities and equipment they would like to see in our PE lessons this year. I have told students that I will do my absolute best to incorporate as many of their suggestions as I can!


On specialist days students need:

  • Comfortable clothes
  • Runners (shoes they can run in)
  • Hat (the hats with the drawstring are great for the younger students as they don’t fly off)
  • Drink bottle

Bike Education 

Bike Education has been programmed for all year levels this term! Whoop whoop! This will begin in week 7. Students will need to bring their own bike and helmet. If you don't have a bike, please ask friends or family if they have one you could borrow. Sorry no scooters. Bikes will be brought to school on their respective specialist day and we will have allocated parking behind C block. I would welcome any parent/carer assistance on our bike education days. Please send me a message via Sentral if you’d like to help including what day and time. 


F/1s (Ally, Luisa, Angelica and Brenna) Tuesday 9th and Tuesday 16th March

F/1s (Jess, Jacqui, Sophia, Sergio) Wednesday 10th and Wednesday 17th March 

2/3s (Cass, Jessi, Jose, Isabelle) Monday 15th and Monday 22nd March 

4/5/6s (Karren, Lexi, Nadia, Clara) Thursday 11th and Thursday 18th March 


National Ride2School Day on Friday 19th March

We are also excited to be celebrating National Ride2School Day on Friday 19th March 2021. National Ride2School Day is the perfect opportunity to kick-start new healthy habits and promote the many benefits of active travel. Decorate your mode of transport, be as creative as you like! We encourage all students and their families to leave the car at home and give riding, walking, scooting or skating to school a go. If this is not possible, maybe you could try walking part of the way here. It’s sure to be a fantastic morning and we look forward to seeing you there! Our bike parade will start just after 9am. 

Interschool Sport 

Interschool sport will start next term for our 4/5/6 students. The sports on offer next term include football, soccer or netball. More information will be provided for our year 4/5/6 students in the coming weeks.


Cross Country  

Newlands will be holding our whole school cross country carnival next term on the first week back, Friday 23rd April. We would love to see our parents and carers at the carnival cheering on our students! If there’s any parents or carers that can offer assistance on the day I would love to hear from you! Send me a message via Sentral. 


I will be holding a run club during Tuesday lunchtimes, starting next week! Run club is open to our year 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 students. It will begin at 11am, students to meet Nikki on the top oval. 


Athletics Carnival 

Another big day on our Newlands sports calendar is the athletics carnival! This is a whole school event in term 3, Friday 16th July. We would love to see you all at some stage throughout the day if you can make it! It will be held at Coburg Harriers Athletics Track. Again any assistance from our parents and carers on the day would be greatly appreciated. I will put out a call for help on this one next term as I’ll have a variety of roles.   


Jump Rope for Heart 

Skipping is such an excellent way for students to keep fit and develop their coordination. Students will be practising their skipping skills during PE sessions and will learn about ‘heart healthy habits’. Students will celebrate their success through a school Jump Off Day! This will be held in term 4, Friday 8th October. Students will be encouraged to raise money for the Heart Foundation. 



Our 4/5/6 students have started their swimming program. The feedback from both staff and students has been fantastic so far! Our swimming program is now at Coburg Leisure Centre. Our F/1s and our 2/3s will also have the opportunity to take part in our school swimming program, this will happen late in term 4. More information to come! 



Yours in sport 

Señora Nikki