
School Council-Parent Nominations

Reminder to our parents that nominations close Monday 15/02/2021. Ballot forms are available at the office. We would urge any parent/carer to join our school council for 2021. We have four parent vacancy to be filled. The position is for two years and requires parents to commit to attending 16 meetings over the two years. 

Alternate action-Those of you who wish to nominate to be on school council please email the school and request a form.

School Council Sub-Committee

Newlands Primary School Council Sub Committees are an important element of our school and provide opportunities for parents and staff to engage and support school improvement, be it Buildings & Grounds, Education, OOSHC and PFA. Please read the page devoted to describing sub committees in this newsletter.

Drop-Off's & Pick-Up's

A big positive thank-you to all the parents who have been co-operating and making these times of the day safe for adults, especially those parents dropping off their little "Foundling" Foundation students. We really understand that parents would dearly love to be involved more, but we must continue observing COVID restrictions.

Just a couple of reminders:

  • Please do not congregate around on the basketball or entrance points after teachers have collected students, likewise at pick up time.
  • Please ring the school if you are collecting a child for an appointment. Reminder please restrict these pick ups between 11.00am - 12.00pm & 2.00pm-2.30pm
  • Playground equipment after school cannot be used as we have cleaners wanting access to clean the equipment.

Student Absence

Thank-you to the parents who are contacting school through  SENTRAL to inform the school of their child's absence. Please note that if your child is absent for more than two days we would ask that a medical certificate is provided.