Science News

What a term we have had in Science! With the term about to wrap up, we are finalising units and completing assessments in our science classes.
A special thanks to those students who participated in the Gene Technology Access Centre (GTAC) workshops on Covid-19. It is so wonderful to be able to offer these opportunities to students.
We are looking at many events in the coming term, some include:
- VCE Biology and Chemistry – visited Federation University for Biology and Chemistry workshops
- Forensic Science – guest speaker from the CSI labs
- Year 7 and 8 – visit to GTAC Melbourne to undergo a Robotics in Medicine workshop
If students are interested in any other events, please let your science teacher know, or see me in the science office in B7.
We hope you all have a wonderful Easter break, and we look forward to more Science in Term 2!
Mrs. Lambert
GTAC Biology workshop
On Monday, 15 students participated in the GTAC Bioinformatics workshop. Bioinformatics is all about using large data sets to compare biological information to help scientists predict events. The workshop focussed on learning about DNA, base pairs, and how to solve the genetic code to predict which animal species would be more susceptible to infectious diseases like Covid-19.
The Year 9 and 10 students used 3D protein modeling software, as well as a database that research scientists use to look at the genetic code. They learned that Bioinformatics is a growing field for science careers.
Year 11 Biology Rat Dissection
Year 11 Biology students have been investigating body systems and recently undertook a whole rat dissection. We were impressed with their surgery skills! Some students found it a little hard to stomach, whilst others relished the opportunity to seek out the tiny little organs. Thanks to Mr. Sands and Mr. McInnes for organising this for their classes.
Year 8 & 9 Science – Heart Dissections
Due to the lockdowns last year, some of our current Year 9 students missed out on the heart dissection, so we have had a couple of weeks of lung and heart dissections throughout the Year 8 and 9 classes. This complemented the learning of the circulatory and respiratory systems in Year 8, and the endocrine and nervous systems in Year 9. Well done to those students who pulled up their sleeves and had a go!