Senior School Report

Term 1 has certainly flown by, with our senior students coming to terms with the increasing work demands and the first round of SACs across all subjects. The work ethic amongst our students has been strong, with feedback from teachers being positive. It was pleasing to see the large number of students across Year 11&12 receiving a GPA All-Star award for the first half of term one. The GPAs give students an indication of how they are traveling in terms of the basic expectations – working hard, being on time, respecting others, and seeking feedback. Students are encouraged to continue with these positive traits, and I urge those students who have not reached these heights, to work hard to overcome these deficiencies in their learning.
A few weeks ago, our Year 12 VCAL students traveled to Gumbuya World under the guidance of our VCAL coordinator Mrs. Giessler for a team-building day. The feedback from all involved was positive and it is important that we continue to develop strong, positive relationships between students and staff. For more information and photos please see the college updates section.
A reminder that all senior students should be in full, correct Lowanna School uniform at all times. With colder weather approaching, all students should be ensuring that they have correct uniform items. If there are difficulties around the purchasing of uniforms, please contact the senior team or the Wellbeing staff.
Feedback from Year 11 students has indicated that some are struggling with the increased workload and demands of VCE. A reminder that, in VCE, your teachers are your greatest resource, and all students are encouraged to seek out their teachers for further clarification or explanation. The Senior staff team is always available to help and guide students through the demands of VCE, so don’t be afraid to ask for help.
As always, term 1 has been a blur. We hope all students have a wonderful Easter break with friends and family and return rejuvenated and revitalised for a strong Term 2.
Trevor Cox
Senior School Leader