Middle School Report

Welcome to the last newsletter of Term 1.
A very big welcome and congratulations to our Middle School Captains for 2021;
Year 10- Ashley Paul & Kaleb Leicester
Year 9- Shavonne Beecher & Aaron Abuan
These four students are fantastic ambassadors for Middle School students. Part of their time will be spent listening to Middle School students regarding their concerns and things they would like to happen in Middle School. They will also be assisting with the running of the Middle School assemblies.
I would like to congratulate the Year 9 & 10 students who put their hand up to be Middle School Form Captains.
These students can report any concerns or achievements to the Middle School Captains to address at formal assemblies.
Our year 10 students have had some exciting guest speakers, and more to come. Hopefully, students will take away some positive insights into different career pathways that will assist them on their journey into the workforce.
The first GPA scores came out last week and I urge parents and students to look at them, if you have any questions or concerns please contact the relevant teacher to discuss these.
Our year 9 GPA All Stars were:
Our Year 10 GPA All Stars were:
The Lowanna swimming Carnival and Athletic Carnival were both a huge success with many students taking part, either participating or cheering their fellow housemates with great enthusiasm.
We would like to remind students of the phone policy; phones need to be in students' lockers from 8.45 am and not used until 3 pm or they can be placed in the phone lockers in Middle School and picked up at the end of the day. If a student has their phone confiscated 3 times it will need to be picked up by a parent. Students can come to the Middle School Office to use our phone to call parents if necessary.
Please remember that if students are away you can enter their absence on Compass or by phoning the school on 51279246. If students are going to be late or need to leave early they need a note from home to be brought to the Middle School Office.
It has been very pleasing to see many of the Middle School students in uniform, but with the cooler weather approaching, can parents please take the holidays to ensure that students have the correct uniform.
Upcoming Activities for Term 2 are.
Year 10 work experience group 1
Year 9 Morrisby assessment
Year 9 & 10 Exams
We would like to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday and look forward to seeing everyone back fit and healthy in Term 2.
Darren Mitchell
Middle School Leader