College Updates

2022 Information Evening
Do you know someone who is exploring secondary school options for 2022? If so, tell them about the information evening we are holding on Tuesday, April 27th at 7 pm, in the Auditorium.
Prospective 2022 students and their families are encouraged to attend this session to learn more about our College and what we have to offer your child in their educational experience.
The session will provide information in regards to our focus on education, the variety of programs available, the college vision, and our values.
School Tours
We are offering families the opportunity to see what we are all about by taking a tour of the school, hosted by our Principal - Adam Hogan, on Wednesday, March 31st at 10 am and 3.30 pm.
The tours will offer great insight for prospective 2022 parents – please see below for dates and times. We hope to see you there.
Introducing Kerry Asmussen
We are thrilled to welcome Kerry to our General Office team. Kerry has extensive administrative knowledge as a former Business Manager and School Systems Training and Support Officer.
Kerry lives locally and has been an active community member with involvement in local sport, kindergarten, and schools. Kerry is excited to join our team and is completely invested in the Lowanna College community.
Please say hello to Kerry next time you come by the General Office.
General Office Early Closure
Falls Creek Snow Camp
Have you ever wanted to try skiing or snowboarding, or never been to the snow before? Or are you itching to get back to the slopes after a disappointing 2020?
Here's your chance! Get in quick to secure your spot for the 2021 Falls Creek Snow Camp.
This camp is perfect for all abilities and all ages from Years 7 to 11. Chat to your friends and spread the word- FALLS IS BACK!
See the poster for more information or Mr. Scott in the PE Office.
Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews
We are excited to advise that these 15-minute sessions will be held on-site on the following dates and times:
Wednesday, March 31st: 4.30pm - 6.30pm
Thursday, April 1st: 10am - 2pm
Please see the image below on how to book via compass online and the compass app. This image is available on Facebook and Compass Newsfeed if you require a larger view.
Athletics Carnival
On Thursday, March 11, we held our annual whole school Athletics Day. As usual, Mr. Chandler was able to order a sunny day, which was perfect for spending the day outdoors.
It was great to see so many students, and even staff dressed in their house colours, giving events a go, and cheering on their teams from the sidelines.
The day was, by far the closest contest ever, with the lead changing several times throughout the day. The final scores were as follow:
1st: Sharks (Blue) 2630
2nd: Devils (Red) 2601
3rd: Eagles (Yellow) 2525
4th: Crocs (Green) 1798
Well done to everyone involved in a great day!
Keep your eyes peeled as we have a variety of opportunities planned around the school to participate and earn points for your house. Who will be the overall winners for 2021?
School Canteen
Did you know that our school canteen accepts canteen orders via email as well as counter orders?
Orders can be placed in person or via email the night prior (for recess orders) or up until 11.30 am that morning for lunchtime orders. Please email orders to and make sure that you include your child’s name and if the order is for recess or lunchtime. Payment is made via cash or card on collection of the order.
This will mean that you won't miss out on your menu favourites, and offers the opportunity to order fresh custom items. For example, you could build your own salad wrap or roll with ham, tomato, lettuce, carrot, mayo, and (no cheese). Please note this is only an example.
Students can also do this from their phone or laptop the night prior by using their Lowanna student email.
Below is a menu including the daily specials.
Energy Australia Work Site Visit
Recently we conducted a site visit to see what some of our VCAL students experience whilst out on placement with EnergyAustralia at the Yallourn Power Station.
Both Johmar and Jordan, who are currently there, really enjoying their placement and the opportunities they are given to explore the industry during their Electrical placement.
A huge thank you to George Aquilina and his team for hosting our students on-site and providing them with this great opportunity.
If you have a business that is able to place a VCAL student once a week, please contact the Careers department at Lowanna College.
Year 9 Health and Physical Education
During Health and PE classes, Year 9 students have been studying the topics of fitness, physical activity guidelines, and barriers to being active. We were excited to offer the Year 9 students a chance to attend an excursion to Voyage Fitness in Moe.
Mr Scott and Miss Keegan girls' classes participated in a HIIT session (High-Intensity Interval Training), which certainly worked them very hard. Mr Stokes boys' classes attended a session each, working on their boxing skills and general fitness.
Thank you to Voyage Fitness for working with Lowanna College. There was plenty of positive feedback from students and we hope to revisit the facility in Term 2.
Year 10 Science- Physics
Our Year 10 Science classes have been developing an understanding of forces and why raw eggs don’t break when thrown at a bedsheet. Only four eggs were broken when students missed the sheet!
Cooking in 8F
During the Lowanna College Harmony Week celebrations, 8F made Souvlaki in their Food Studies class. Students learned about the origin of the Souvlaki, how and why meat is marinated, and how to prepare and cook a Souvlaki. Students had fun preparing and eating this traditional Greek dish.
Tabletop Roleplaying Club Swinging into High Gear
The TTRPG hobby (a form of collaborative storytelling) has found some passionate new fans among the Lowanna students! Our groups welcomed a few new curious players and spent the afternoon creating their characters and adding details to the fictional settings. Our new "game masters" are excitedly planning and learning the craft of managing a roleplaying table.
There's still room for more players so if fiction and telling stories with friends sounds like fun, come by and sign up!
Harmony Week at Lowanna
What is Harmony week?
Harmony Week is about celebrating and acknowledging the rich cultural diversity within the Lowanna College community and beyond.
Students had the opportunity to participate in several activities throughout the week including;
- Daily trivia quizzes
- Special International menu at the canteen
- Various cultural activities in Language classes
- Cooking international foods in Food Technology classes
- Chinese lantern making workshop
- Discussions about what makes us ‘Australian’ in Humanities classes.
Underpinning the activities run throughout the week was this year’s theme of Harmony week ‘Everbody belongs’
Here are some photos of the students participating in the Chinese lantern making, as well as cultural activities in both Italian and Indonesian classes.
Clean Up Australia Day
Well done to the group of Lowanna students for your contribution to Clean Up Australia Day, which was held on Friday 5th March!
There were thirteen Year 7 to 9 students, who worked really hard and collected about 3 big bins full of waste from the Moe Rail Trail and the Ollerton Bushland reserve. The clean-up program was supported by Rennie Vella, Di Harrison, from the Moe Rotary Interact club, and two teachers, Daniel King and Judith Stewart.
Amongst the rubbish was a bicycle wheel and two credit cards. If you are missing any of these things, please contact Amy at the Lowanna reception: 51279200.
Garden Volunteers Needed
The school is looking for Garden volunteers to work 1 day per week with VCAL students, and 1 day with the Green Tradies program. The volunteers will need to be eligible for a Working with Children Check (WWCC), which is a free application for people who are volunteering their services to the school. Please contact Mrs. Stewart on 51279200, if interested.