Principal's Report

As we reach the end of term one and approach the Easter break, I reflect on the positive term we have had. We have supported our students back to the routine of schooling after 2020, selected our student leaders across the college, held various events such swimming sports and athletics, and built on our literacy and numeracy work. On the back of a challenging year last year, it has been pleasing to return to the routine of school life.
We have been truly fortunate this year with the weather for both our swimming and athletics events. I congratulate the Blue Sharks for reclaiming victory at our athletics day. It was great to see staff and students working hand-in-hand, and the staff relay at the end of the day was a highlight for many!
One of our priorities for 2021 is further building a ‘connected school’. We know returning to routine can take some time for some students, and more than ever, students need routine, predictability and connections. We have seen the creation of some great new initiatives – our PE team are running house sport competitions at lunch times, with Volleyball our first sport this term. The sports are run in two streams – junior school on Mondays, then Middle and Senior together on Wednesdays. Congratulations to our Yellow Eagles for winning the first round. Our IT team have created “Minecraft Mondays” in the Library, and we have about 30 students working together on shared projects. The first was a house-building competition, leading to a longer-term project in Term 2 where students will work to collaboratively build a model of the college. We have a staff member offering a ‘role play’ club (think Dungeons and Dragons boardgame, for example) on Monday afternoons in the library. We are encouraging our students to come up with more ideas of how we can connect together over the course of this year. Students can speak to their home group student leader, home group teacher, or mini-school leader if they have ideas.
Next term our Year 7 and 9 students will undertake the annual NAPLAN assessment for literacy and numeracy. There are many different views about NAPLAN, but as a school we find it exceptionally useful to build an understanding of where our students are academically. We encourage you to speak to your student(s) about the importance of NAPLAN – it is not something they need to worry or stress about, but we do want them to give it their best go.
We have reached the time of year where we are seeking nominations for our school council. School council play an important role in helping guide the strategic direction of the college, and support the development of policies relating to how we operate. If you are interested in becoming involved in school council, please contact our general office for a nomination form. If we receive more nominations than available positions, we will undertake an election process.
Finally, I would like to wish our families a positive term break. In light of 2020 and our approach to building an even more connected school, we encourage parents to support students with structure and routine over the term break, which will help ensure a smooth transition back into school and learning for Term 2. Have a great Easter, and we’ll see you back next term.
Adam Hogan
College Principal