Visual Arts

Visual Art

The Year 10 Painting and Printmaking class have finished their My (still) Life oil painting. 

The sentimental objects the students incorporated in their paintings varied from a perfume bottle gifted from their grandmother, a stuffed toy which was given to the class when graduating from Year 6 to a deck of cards which was reminiscent of the card games played at lunchtime with friends at school. 


The photograph on the left was taken at the end of the all day incursion with John Lawry in February. The photograph on the right hand side, was taken at the completion of the unit which was this week. The photographs of the students' artworks demonstrate students' growth in colour mixing and their confidence with using oil paint for the first time. As their teacher, I am very proud and impressed with the skill level in the class and the commitment and perseverance shown from everyone. Well done ladies!


Fros Stabologlou

Visual Art teacher