More Information

Staff at The Riverina Anglican College are available to assist Year 10 students progress into the senior years with ease. 

HSC and Vocational and NON-ATAR Pathways


For more information regarding the HSC and Non-ATAR contact:


Helen Foster  Head of Academic Administration

Email Helen Foster

P: 02 69331811 


Anthony Heffer Deputy Teaching, Learning and Innovation

Email Anthony Heffer

P: 02 69331811

IB Pathways


For more information regarding the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme contact:


Patricia Humble  IB Coordinator

Email Patricia Humble

P: 02 69331811


Jane Lister CAS Coordinator

Email Jane Lister

P: 02 69331811

Advice on Career Pathways & TVET


Year 10 students each have an individual account to access The Careers Department.

Students are exploring options for their future pathways during Careers lessons. 


Marie Knight Careers Coordinator

Email Marie Knight

P: 02 69331811

University Admissions


The University Admissions Centre has produced a booklet to help guide students in Year 10 about the courses offered in the HSC and information about university. To view the booklet download it below.