Our Catholic Identity

Project Compassion Donations - Murrie/Swinnerton Families


28 March 2021


Dear Mrs. Charadia


Lent is a very special time and this year we have chosen to demonstrate our faith, love and generosity for communities who are less fortunate. During the month of March, we have put our compassion into action and undertaken the following activities:- 

  • sold baked goods, juice and fruit cups to family, friends and neighbours
  • washed cars.

We have raised $350 and would like to donate the funds to SJB’s Project Compassion (Caritas Australia) program, to make a difference. These simple actions show that we can ‘be more’ for our world.


Kind Regards,

Sophia Murrie (3M), William Murrie (5M),Celie Swinnerton (3M), Macey Swinnerton (6M) and Ashby Swinnerton (1M)


 Holy Week

As we journey through Holy Week, we continue to reflect on the lives of people vulnerable to extreme poverty and injustice and how we can respond through supporting Caritas Australia’s Project Compassion appeal. 


Let us take time to remember the life and teachings of Saint Oscar Romero. His many lessons include: live a simple life, commit to bringing peace to the world, speak the truth and of course aspire not to have more, but to be more. Some words from what has become known as the Oscar Romero prayer; “We cannot do everything, and there is a sense of liberation in realizing that. This enables us to do something, and to do it very well. It may be incomplete, but it is a beginning, a step along the way, an opportunity for the Lord’s grace to enter and do the rest.”


Thank you for supporting Caritas Australia’s Project Compassion Campaign. Your generosity will work for the freedom of those living in poverty, challenge unjust structures, and empower people to work for a sustainable way of life.


2021 Sacramental Dates

For your convenience, the following dates are now confirmed for the various Sacramental Programs this year. Further information will be provided at a later date.


Term 2 Week 4 

Wednesday 12 May 7:00 pm Parent Sacramental Prayer Evening in the Church


Year 6 Confirmation

Term 2 Week 10 Thursday 24 and Friday 25 June at 7:30 pm


Year 3 Reconciliation - TBC 


Year 3 Holy Communion - 12 Masses over 6 Sundays (approx. 5 students at each mass)

  • Sunday 12 September 8:30 am and 5:30 pm
  • Sunday 19 September 8:30 am and 5:30 pm (School Holidays)
  • Sunday 24 October 8:30 am and 5:30 pm
  • Sunday 31 October 8:30 am and 5:30 pm
  • Sunday 14 November 8:30 am and 5:30 pm
  • Sunday 28 November 8:30 am and 5:30 pm


Diocese of Wollongong Catholic Radio (Week 10)


"don’t run from it, sit with it, feel it,embrace the price at which your life was purchased "


This week on the Journey (Ep 399)

On the Journey this week: Mons Graham Schmitzer says Jesus’ pierced heart symbolises the stream of the new temple flowing out into the entire cosmos with the invitation to “come to the water” to drink deeply of its grace. Mother Hilda asks how often have we called out: “my God, why have you abandoned me?” And  Fr Chris Sarkis says don’t run from this week, sit with it, feel it, embrace the mourning, know the price at which your life was purchased. Plus, great music for Lent! 


Visit www.jcr.org.au or www.itunes.jcr.org.au where you can listen anytime and subscribe to weekly shows by email. Got friends or family who you’d like to hear this show ever week? All you’ve got to do is send them this email and they can subscribe by clicking here.


The Journey is a weekly program developed by the Catholic Diocese of Wollongong and is the only Catholic radio program in Australia aired on general Christian radio.

Listen to this week's presenter inputs

Gospel Reflection—Mons Graham Schmitzer–Come to the Water


Wisdom from The Abbey–Mother Hilda–Searching for Hope


Lenten Comfort–Sr Susanna Edmunds OP – Kenosis–the mystery of self-emptying


Lenten Comfort—Fr Dan Serratore MGL – Entering Holy Week


Lenten Comfort—Fr Chris Sarkis – Holy Saturday-the great silence


The Call—Fr Dave Callaghan MGL – Following Christ to the Cross 

Listen to the full show

Listen to past shows

You can listen to all our past shows and presenter inputs at www.jcr.org.au

You can also subsribe to the Journey Catholic Radio Podcast on iTunes and have it automatically downloaded onto your iOS Podcast app or your iTunes Store.