Senior School News

Term 2

Our learning

Literacy: Our learning in Reading has been focusing on summarising. Students are learning to synthesise complex information, find important facts and filter out unimportant information. In Writing, we are focusing on the correct use of dialogue, which our testing has shown to be an area of need for many of our students.

Numeracy: In Maths, students are learning to convert between 12 and 24-hour time, and to solve problems involving elapsed time.

Inquiry: Our learning in Inquiry this term is focused on the development of democracy and human rights in post-Federation Australia, particularly centring on the struggles faced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, migrants, and women. At present, students are choosing an area of interest to research and will present their findings in a format of their choice.

Camp Coolamatong

It's not long now until we head off to Camp Coolamatong! Excitement is building and we can't wait for our students to have some amazing experiences on camp. If you are yet to finalise payment, we ask that you please do this immediately as payments are now overdue. If you are having any difficulty making your final payment/s, please speak to your child's teacher as soon as possible to make arrangements. 


We would be grateful if you could please also return your child's medical consent form, if you have not already done so.


Below is a copy of the camp packing list, just in case your hard copy has gone missing! 

Year 6: Application for Year 7 Placement

A reminder to Year 6 families that your child's 'Application for Year 7 Placement 2022' form is due to be returned to Mr Roscoe by 14 May. If you have not already returned the form, please do so as soon as possible.


For reference, you can find a copy of the Department's Transition Information Pack below. A copy of this was also recently sent to you by email.

Yarra Hills Discovery Day

Below are some photos from our recent visit to Yarra Hills Secondary College for their Discovery Day. As you can see, the students had a great time and were able to get a taste of some exciting parts of high school life!

Bunnings Sausage Sizzle

You should have recently received an email asking for volunteers to assist at our whole school fundraiser at Bunnings Bayswater on 22 May 2021. We'd be very grateful to anyone who can spare a couple of hours to help out during the day, or just to have you stop by to grab a couple of sausages and support our whole school fundraising efforts! We'll be there serving delicious snags and cold drinks all day.

Key dates

14 May: Application for Year 7 Placement 2022 forms due (Year 6 students only)

18 May: District Cross Country

19 May: Curriculum Day

22 May: Sausage Sizzle fundraiser at Bunnings Bayswater

24 May: Students depart for Camp Coolamatong

28 May: Students return from Camp Coolamatong