Student Awards

Friday 7th May
Foundation: Caitlyn
What a 5 star learner you are Caitlyn! You consistently demonstrate respect to all the people around you and always try your best in all areas of your learning.
Foundation: Wilder
You are flying high at KPS, Wilder! Congratulations on the excellence you have shown by practicing your magic words and reading each night. Keep up the fantastic work.
Junior A: Dakota
Dakota it has been fantastic to see you taking more time and putting more effort into your learning tasks. You have been making a real effort to stay on task and complete activities. Keep showing Excellence in the classroom!
Junior B: Ruby
For continuously demonstrating resilience during her whole school day. Ruby you always try your best with all of our work and even when things don't go well in the yard you always bounce back. Well done Ruby!
Middle A: Hayley
Your writing keeps going from strength to strength. The way that you take on feedback and try new things is great to see. By taking risks as a writer you are able to create exciting texts that are very enjoyable to read!
Senior A : Riley
Riley, you have shown such respect to everyone lately, especially staff. You have gone above and beyond in your interactions and have been a role model. Keep it up, you are amazing.
ART: Noah
What amazing plasticine bugs you created in Art this week, Noah. You used lots of different modelling techniques to create the shapes you needed. Well done!
Friday 14th May
Foundation: Lori
Lori, you are a 5 star learner! The way you have focused on your writing over the past week has been fantastic. You take your time to make your writing neat and you show resilience when you get stuck.
Junior B: Elijah
For demonstrating excellence in the classroom by setting an example to the other students about how to be respectful during group work.
Middle A: Abby
Abby, you continue to work hard in all areas of your learning. You give everything your best effort and ask important questions to help you achieve your learning goals. Well done on being a five star learner.
Senior A: Lallie
Lallie, you are such a role model when it comes to showing respect and being a respectful person. You are kind and considerate and it makes all the difference. Keep up the great work!
Senior B: Lila
Lila, you have been exceptionally resilient over the past week. You've been brave, respectful to others and excelling with your learning. I'm tremendously proud of your efforts and attitude towards learning. Keep up the great work!
ART: Jagger
Jagger, your art skills this week have been nothing short of amazing! You used techniques from previous weeks to create an amazing Magiclay bird. Keep up the great artwork.
Science: Brodie
Congratulations on the excellence you are showing during each science lesson. Keep up the fantastic work
PE: Envy
Well done! Envy, on the sportsmanship shown during interschool sports last week.You showed respect as you took on a leadership role, supporting, encouraging and guiding your team members. Excellent work!