Important Notices 

Download reports if your children are leaving BPS

For any families that are leaving the school at the end of the year, please ensure that you download your children's reports when they come out, as you will no longer have access to Compass once your children leave the school. 

Collection Point for forgotten items                          dropped off at school


Dear parents and carers, 


To minimise classroom disruptions and student learning, there is a collection point outside the Health Centre, where you may drop off any items that your children have forgotten.  


Please ensure that you label the items (there are post it notes at the collection point if you forget to do this) and also email the classroom teacher to let them know that you have dropped something off for your child.  


Thank you for your assistance.

Uniform Shop 

Uniform Donations:  If you receive uniform items directly from friends, please ensure that you cross out the old name and put your child's name in.  This will make finding lost property items much easier.


A reminder that our Uniform Shop hours are - Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons from 2pm - 4pm. 


You can also order via the QKR app if needs be.