Year 8 day

Last week, the year 8 cohort got the opportunity to celebrate the amazing past year of school on our inaugural year 8 day! Everyone was given the opportunity to dress in casual clothing with a touch of orange to show our support for “Koala Kids’’, an organisation assisting in lifting the spirits of children suffering from chronic illness.
The day commenced with a fascinating and profound presentation from Mandy Mandie, Koala Kids' CEO, who gave us some insight into their wonderful and important charity. We then all got to design an activity for children who are undergoing treatment and might be looking for something fun to do when stuck in bed.
Some of the activities students came up with included connect the dot drawings, word searches, colouring in and more. In periods two and three the year level was split up into two groups, to take part in bubble soccer or a game of trivia! Bubble soccer was so much fun and an experience that many people hadn’t had before, so we felt really grateful to get to do it at our own school. Trivia was full of fun topics from geography, to pop culture, to music, to “cap of fact” to our own school! It was awesome to work in a team and get out our competitive sides along with the other classes and groups, to hopefully place in the top three and win a prize! After the fun and tiring events of the day, we were treated to a delicious bbq sausage lunch, followed by the year 8 talent show in the afternoon where the cohort was given the opportunity to perform their talents and amazing skills. We were impressed by the fantastic hula hooping, singing and dancing abilities that our year had and everyone did a fantastic job! It made deciding the winners very difficult for us. The day concluded with a much appreciated zooper dooper to send the very exhausted but very happy students off.
Overall it was a wonderful day that we were both so excited to be a part of and it was something that we would love to see be continued in years to come. Thank you so much to Ms Molina, Ms Kennedy, Ms Selir and all of the other staff that made this day possible, we truly appreciate the efforts you all put into making this day incredible.
Maddy and Mietta
Junior School Captains