Music News

Kool for Skools Project
A huge shout out to Tom Krieg for his months and months of work with our students for the Kool for Skools project!
Mia Phipps was nominated for best Indie Ballad and our Indie Band RATS were asked to perform at Empire Records on the night and they won a judges award!
Manningham Carols by Candlelight - well done Zoe and Talia!
Last Friday, two of our musicians performed in front of 9000+ people at the Manningham Carols by Candlelight.
Year 9 student Zoe Bastian was one of the feature vocalists performing “Santa Clause is coming to Town” as well as a selection of Christmas Carols.
Year 11 student Talia Walker played trombone in the house band comprising of a rhythm section containing Melbourne’s best professional musicians and a selection of local community woodwind and brass musicians.
Well done to both!
Our very talented Mr Van Gemert also ran the brass and woodwind section and played saxophone and clarinet on the night.