Art/Technology News

VCE Systems Engineering - Top Designs
Three projects from VCE Systems Engineering were shortlisted for the VCAA Top Designs from a total of 13 state wide.
Callum Gigllioti's project 'The Resistor Sorter' made it to the final cut!
His project will now be showcased at the Melbourne Museum in 2023!
Troy Ferriera (thrust Vectored Rocket model) and Thomas Hayes (Lorikeet home AI interfaced automated bird house) are to be congratulated for their short listed projects and a special mention of Richard Marshall (ARCANE ATLAS GAUNTLET cosplay)for his project which displayed his 3D designing capabilities.
Heartiest Congratulations Callum!!
Ms Nair
Year 7 & 8 Art and Design - Wearable Technology
Yesterday, our fantastic Year 7 and 8's had the opportunity to present their final Wearable Tech group projects to their peers in the PAC.
The atmosphere was electric, with students having a lot of fun parading across the stage to show off their creative explorations to one another.
We were so amazed at the diversity in the concepts and ideas explored as well as the huge range of mainly upcycled materials that were used.
It was clear that there was some thinking outside the box as students visually responded to their chosen Sustainable Development Goal and artist inspiration to create innovative and unique designs that explored traditional art techniques, textiles, 3-D printing and LED lighting and robotics.
Students have spent most of the term working through the design a design thinking process that enabled them to learn through trial and error and most importantly to be in control of their own learning after they had completed master classes to build on skills they could apply to their projects. This was such a wonderful way to end our learning program in Art and Design.
Ms White