Middle School News

Cultural Performance
On Tuesday 29th November, at break 1 we enjoyed another multicultural performance on the outdoor J-block stage!
This Polynesian performance celebrated the Cook Islands with an energetic and enthusiastic performance from La Pacifica.
Students were able to experience music, dance and storytelling and appreciated this ancient and fascinating culture.
The traditional dance performance lead to a Hula dancing lesson that was enjoyed by staff and students.
Papua New Guinea Books and Stationery Drive
Thank you to those who have contributed to the Papua New Guinea Books and Stationery Drive.
We have successfully concluded the project, gathering 29 boxes to donate to children in need.
All the support provided by the College community was greatly appreciated.
And a big thank you to the teachers and volunteers who made this drive possible.
Rupini M, Neha H, Freya T, Grace P, Paige T, Rose P, Emi M and Ekansh G.
2023 Middle School House Captains
Congratulations to the following students on being elected House Captains for 2023"
Ignis: | |
Yr 8 House Captain | Adam Cassar |
Yr 9 House Captain | Annabella Madden |
Yr 10 House Captains | Maverick Chau and Jules Nyguyen |
Hydra: | |
Yr 8 House Captain | Paige Tu |
Yr 9 House Captain | Jai Intherarasa |
Yr 10 House Captain | tbc |
Stella: | |
Yr 8 House Captain | Kehan Amaranayake |
Yr 9 House Captain | Amelia Ebbage |
Yr 10 House Captains | Chloe Lord and Thomas Kuriakose |
Terra: | |
Yr 8 House Captain | tbc |
Yr 9 House Captain | Logan Tu |
Yr 10 House Captain | Charlie White and Sarina Shetty |
Year 10 Awards Assembly
Year 10 Awards Assembly was held on Friday 2nd December.
Congratulations to all our students for their achievements for 2022.
Past Principal, Peter Gannon attended to present the Year 10 Peter Gannon Award to the two outstanding students who have demonstrated a commitment to personal growth and fostering a positive culture within the College community.
Congratulations to Freya T and Dawson C on being the recipients of this award.
Year 9 Awards Assembly
The Year 9 Awards Assembly was held on Friday 9th December.
Maverick C and Lucy N were the recipients of the Year 9 Viewbank College Award.
The Viewbank College Award is awarded to two outstanding Year 9 students who have demonstrated a commitment to personal growth and fostering a positive culture within the College community.
Congratulations to Maverick and Lucy and to all Year 9 students for their achievements.
Year 7 & 8 Awards Assembly
The Year 7 & 8 Awards Assembly was held today!
Past Principal, Judith Craze attended to present the Year 7 Judith Craze Award to Aiden K and Gemma R, two outstanding students who have demonstrated a commitment to personal growth and fostering a positive culture within the College community.
The Year 8 Viewbank College Award was presented to Molly S and Patrick M, two outstanding students who have demonstrated a commitment to personal growth and fostering a positive culture within the College community.
Congratulations to all recipients of awards and all students for their achievements for 2022.