From the Principal Class

It is wonderful to report that we have managed a full year onsite!
The challenges have remained, although somewhat different in nature. Semester 1 saw a rotation of students and staff isolating with Covid, disrupting learning programs and making it difficult to get real momentum back. We have continued to face staffing challenges, and the large number of new teachers (many very inexperienced) meant that a lot of mentoring work has gone into supporting these early years teachers.
On a positive note, College life has pretty much resumed as normal and we have held many wonderful events for students this term.
Since the last newsletter we have held:
- The Middle School Production ‘Game On’ ran over two nights and had a matinee for students from Viewbank P.S and Heidelberg P.S.
- Valedictory evening for our Year 12 students and families
- Year 10 and 11 exams
- Orientation for 2023 Year 11 and 12 classes
- Year 8 camps
- Duke of Ed camp and Outdoor Ed activities
- Year 9 final week program
- Fun fields and Gumbaya Park
- Final assemblies
VCE results:
Congratulations to the class of 2022.
We are pleased to announce that nearly 1 in 5 students achieved an ATAR over 90 and 37% achieved over 80.
This trend was up from the past two years, despite our median study score being down slightly from last year.
We have also improved the number of 40+ study scores achieved by students from last year.
Our Dux this year is Charlotte Yates, who achieved an ATAR of 99.1.
Well done to students and staff, coming back from another Covid affected year.
We look forward to celebrating these results with our class of 2022 on Tuesday 21st February at 2.00pm with an assembly and afternoon tea.
Celebration assembly - Class of 2022
Veena Nair - Prime Ministers Prize for Excellence in Science Teaching in Secondary Schools:
A huge congratulations to Veena Nair!
Viewbank College’s STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) Project Leader, Ms Veena Nair, has received the Prime Minister’s Prize for Excellence in Science Teaching in Secondary Schools, in the 2022 Prime Minister’s Prizes for Science.
Ms Nair is a leading educator in STEM with more than 20 years’ experience teaching science-based subjects across three different countries – India, the United Arab Emirates and now Australia.
She has been a key instigator of numerous initiatives to improve the quality of STEAM education not only for her own students, but for students across Australia. She collaborates with industry leaders and academics to introduce STEAM careers to her students, aligning technology and education.
Ms Nair’s passion for discovering innovative ways of making STEAM more engaging has helped increase the number of students who receive first-round offers to study engineering and technology subjects at university, especially young females and students from diverse backgrounds.
Orientation Day:
On Tuesday, December 13, we had our Year 7 cohort for 2023!
The Grade 6 students from Viewbank, Banyule, Heidelberg, Rosanna Golf Links and many other primary schools had their first experience of secondary schooling.
Their enthusiasm, participation and engagement were wonderful the see.
Welcome to our newest members of the Viewbank College Community!
Thank you to Ms Timms for arranging the fun and great program for them.
Staffing has continued to be difficult this year, but I am confident we will have a stable workforce over the next few years.
We will be saying farewell to a number of staff:
- Sue Calder
- James Moorfield
- Manjeet Rikhraj
- Nicole Lawrence
- Jessica Leslie
- Lisa White
- John Baratta
- Zac Greenwood
- Georgie Kellock
- Janine Kieburg
- Noriko Bui
- Charlie Ni
- Genevieve Galvin
- Michiyo Naito
- Genelle Lentini
- Matt Sortino
- Jeffrey Chau
- Mahalia Rank
- Nina Kafka
- Jayne Krizeck
- Chanel Keane
- Spencer Nelson
I would like to thank them all for their contribution to Viewbank College.
In particular, I want to highlight the contribution of Sue Calder, over more than 25 years. Sue was a student at Rosanna East High School and returned to teach at the College after completing her teacher training. She has been an outstanding teacher, colleague, and Leader at Viewbank.
It is with sadness that we farewell her, but she is taking up a new challenge and we wish her well.
We are in the final stages of getting approval to appoint the preferred contractor to build the VCE centre.
Work on the actual design features and layout will begin once we have VSBA approval.
We continue to be hopeful that the centre will be complete by July/August next year.
Over the holidays, more asbestos removal and roofing works will take place.
The final stages of the external painting will be completed.
Next year, we will get to work on the walking track and oval upgrade.
I am still lobbying for some more substantial funding for new buildings to progress our College masterplan and upgrades.
More to come in 2023!
Young Persons Plan for the Planet - Youth Response Conference:
Eight lucky students from our Young Persons Plan for the Planet group recently travelled to Townsville with Mr Murray and Ms Ooi to collaborate, investigate and begin identifying solutions to identified issues with water in Australia and the Great Barrier Reef. This conference was lead and facilitated by Year 11 students from the local Pimlico State High School who did an amazing job. Our students stayed in student accommodation at James Cook University and experience the University experience while participating in the conference.
Our students were given the topic of climate change, were put into groups with other students from across Northern Queensland and Australia were also joined by a range of experts across a number of fields. This included representatives of government, business and non- government organisations, who participated in the student collaboration groups to share their knowledge, expertise and approach to water and environmental issues. They had two days to work towards coming up with an idea and then make pitch to see if they could get their project funded to continue to develop back at their own schools.
While in Townsville students got to experience and learn about the native habitat and wildlife of the local area and visited the Billabong Wildlife Sanctuary and Magnetic Island where they did a bushwalk and snorkelling. As part of the theme of water and conservation they also did a tour of the Port of Townsville where tour guides gave a detailed overview of the Port’s operations and importance to the area while also being so close to the Great Barrier Reef and Magnetic Island.
The students selected project was to make algae farms to reduce C02 in the atmosphere and make a small pond with access to algae in the environment. It helps reduce climate change by:
- Growing algae is reducing Co2 in the atmosphere
- It helps balance ecosystems.
- Educates people so they can be more aware about the issue and take precautions
- It is a long-term solution as schools can continue doing them
A big thank you to Ms Veena Nair who continues to lead the Young Persons Plan for the Planet student group and was responsible for obtaining funding for our students and staff to attend this event.
And a big thank you to Darren and Charis for accompanying our students so they could attend.
Queen's Platinum Jubilee 2022 - tree planting:
Viewbank College was awarded a grant of $8,000 to plant native local trees in commemoration of the Queen’s Jubilee year.
The money was granted by the Federal Government.
We were fortunate to have Kate Thwaites, our Federal Member for Jaga Jaga at the commemorative ceremony.
She assisted some of our Middle School Leaders in planting the final tree.
Victoria-wide single-use plastics ban – from 1 February 2023:
From Wednesday 1 February 2023, Victorian businesses and organizations (including schools) will not be able to sell, supply or provide a number of single-use plastic items.
Items that will be banned from 1 February 2023
Under new regulations, from 1 February 2023, Victorian businesses and organisations (including schools) will not be able to sell, supply or provide a number of single-use plastic items. The ban applies to the following single-use plastic items made from conventional, degradable or compostable plastics:
- drinking straws
- cutlery including knives, forks, spoons, chopsticks, sporks, splades and food picks
- plates
- drink stirrers and sticks
- cotton bud sticks.
The ban also applies to:
- food service items and drink containers made from expanded polystyrene. This includes expanded polystyrene plates, cups, bowls, clam shells and any cover or lid that is also made from expanded polystyrene.
I have provided a link to a fact sheet on banned items.
There are some exceptions to meet medical needs, including use of straws for students or adults with disability.
Schools can use up existing stock until Feb 1, 2023. After that date, all items will be banned. We will work with suppliers to access suitable alternatives. The Department supplier, COS, will have examples of alternative products for supply. For more information regarding the new policy, please go to Single-Use Plastics Ban: Policy |
Student Reports will be available on Compass on Monday 19th December, 2022.
For students/families that are leaving the College, reports will be emailed directly to parents/carers.
Finally, I want to thank you all for ongoing support of the College.
I wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Stay safe and see you in 2023!
Sharon Grimes, Principal
Emma Ford, Assistant Principal
Rachael Smith, Assistant Principal
Anna Crosswhite, Acting Assistant Principal
Jackson Moloney, Acting Assistant Principal