Faith and Mission

From the Mission Team
Liturgical Life
We started Week 6 with a Staff liturgy for loved ones who we have lost and are dearly remembered. It was a time to remember and give thanks for their lives and a time to acknowledge that our lives are richer from the experience of knowing and loving them. We share with you the final blessing of our liturgy.
“May the God who walks beside you reach out and take your hand. May you hear Gods Loving voice and feel God’s gentle touch. May God fill you with peace, and comfort you. May every tear you shed, every word you share, and every memory you treasure, bring you deeper healing.”
Vinnies Christmas Hamper Appeal
It’s that time of year when we turn our attention to those people in our communities who are in need at Christmas. Across the Junior and Senior School our students will be gathering various items to place in the Christmas Hampers. These hampers will support Vinnies Norwood Conference in the vital work that they do in our community to allow every person to experience the joy of a Happy Christmas. We thank you for your support with the Vinnies Christmas Hamper Appeal.
Items that we are collecting include: fruit juice, packet or tinned soup, cordial, tinned ham, tinned chicken or turkey, Christmas puddings, bon bons, packets of jelly, tins of fruit, powdered custard, biscuits (shortbread, chocolate etc), mince pies, candy canes, honey, sugar, chocolates, cake mix, pudding/cupcake mix, baby food, tea, coffee, milo, hot chocolate, crackers, pretzels, nuts, and baby food.
Loreto Network
We draw your attention to the wonderful podcast series “Talking Transformative Love”. This podcast series is hosted by Loreto Novice Jwan Kada. It covers a variety of topics and features both men and women from across the Mary Ward family. It is both inspiring and reflective.
You can find the podcast through this link: Vocations Week (