Learning Across the 

Junior School

From the Head of Junior School and Early Learning

We started Week 6 with a beautiful Advent Liturgy presented by our Reception children. Sharing prayers and hymns about the joy of Christmas, we sat in community with many of our Reception parents, proudly listening to the girls as they spoke with growing confidence to the large audience in front of them. It was a beautiful reflection of Advent and also a lovely opportunity to welcome families back to our weekly liturgy that occurs every Monday morning at 8.30am in the Junior School Hall. We look forward to many celebrations together in 2023 and a return to having families onsite for liturgies, assemblies, class Showcases and other special events.


I warmly thank our Loreto College Parents & Friends who have kindly organised grazing boxes and a barbecue for our end-of-year Christmas Picnic, to be held on Friday 2 December 2022 on the Acacias Lawns in the Senior School. A friendly reminder, all food and drink items must be pre-purchased through the following link by 5pm on Wednesday 30 November:




The picnic commences at 5pm, with Christmas carols commencing from 6pm. It will be a fabulous evening and I also extend my sincere thanks and gratitude to Ms Lisa Schulz for organising the musical items and carols that we will enjoy on the night.


As the holidays approach bookings can be made at Loreto College | Camp Australia for Vacation Care. Camp Australia will offer a fun Rocketeers Vacation program onsite at the College for our girls. All primary aged children (Reception to Year 6) are invited to attend, please feel free to share the booking information with family and friends.


This is an exciting time for our girls; they are enjoying end of year festivities with their class, welcoming new friends on Orientation Day, and I am sure thinking ahead to the summer holidays and their move to the next year level! Our remarkable teaching team is to be congratulated on another sensational Loreto school year. The energy, warmth, and love of learning our girls display is a true testament to their teachers, who work tirelessly to ensure every student is flourishing and feels a strong connection to the College.


The school year will conclude at 1.30pm on Thursday 8 December, following our End of Year Mass and Years 4-11 Awards Ceremony. At this time Talbot Grove will be very busy and we ask that all families adhere to the 2-minute pick-up zone. 


We look forward to celebrating our end of school events with you.


Ms Marika Snell

Head of Junior School and Early Learning

Ms Narelle Dew Awarded Excellence

Congratulations to long-standing staff member, Narelle Dew, on being awarded for Excellence in Health and Physical Education in recognition of a quality Health and Physical Education Program at the Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation (ACHPER) SA PE Week Dinner last Friday. Narelle was also a finalist for the 2022 Norma Jenner Award and was further recognised for her outstanding service to Loreto and SACPSSA as current President. Congratulations Narelle on the outstanding contribution you make to the learning, health and wellbeing of the students in our school.

Reception Transition Visit

We’re Going on a Nature Hunt … 


Our Preschool girls have been busy exploring Loreto College and engaging in lots of fun and hands-on learning experiences as part of their Reception Transition Visits.

This week we read ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ by Michael Rosen and acted out the story. We decided to go on our own Bear Hunt in the Senior School to explore the amazing gardens and see what we could find …


We didn’t find any bears, but we did find a mother duck and her babies swimming in the creek and lots of beautiful nature items which we used to make our own Christmas wreath.

Studying Music in 2023

Now is a great time to register interest in commencing the study of a musical instrument in 2023. 


We tend to get a big influx of applications at the start of each year and in some cases, there is a wait-list for certain instruments. To avoid delays or disappointment, you are strongly encouraged to submit applications before the end of this school term. 


Application forms can be found at the following link: https://loretoconnect.loreto.sa.edu.au/homepage/7086 or by emailing music@loreto.sa.edu.au

Speech and Drama Success!

Speech and Drama is offered at Loreto College as individual instrumental tuition.  Yes, voice is an instrument, and learning how to speak well and with purpose is something that is an essential life skill.  Students can learn from the different AMEB syllabi including Speech and Performance, Voice and Communication, Acting, Screen Acting, Drama and Communication.  


The following students undertook AMEB examinations earlier this month and are to be congratulated for their results.


Speech and Performance

Olive Maycock (Grade 4) – A + High Distinction


Voice and Communication

Alice Maycock (Grade 8) – B Credit

Fenella McIntosh (Grade 7) – B Credit

Aviril McIntosh (Grade 7) – C+ Pass with Merit

Aspen Penberthy (Grade 3) – A+ High Distinction


Louise Borgo

Speech and Drama Teacher

Summer Code Camp

Code Camp is back over the summer break from 19-21 December and 16-18 January 9am - 4pm.


See flyer below to book now and save $25 by using EARLY25 at the checkout.

Discontinuation of Music Lessons

Please note that the policy at Loreto College is for parents to provide at least four weeks’ notice before the end of term in order to discontinue instrumental music tuition. However, due to the lesser number of weeks in Term 4 and the longer holiday break, we have extended the deadline for this notice to be given. The process is carried out by filling in a Discontinuation of Lessons form. If sufficient notice has not been given, tutors will charge for the next term’s fees.


Please ensure these forms are in by Friday 25 November.

Aquanauts in Year 4

Year 4 students have been busy being Aquanauts. Each team had a mission to create an inner space habitat blueprint made to scale. Additionally, each member had a specific solution to solve for their undersea workstation: communication with surface headquarters, obtaining fresh water and food, securing their habitat from earthquakes, making sure there is fresh air to breathe, and making sure there is power.  


Once the blueprints and solutions were completed there was a final mission! Teams had to design a prototype of a submersible big enough to fit at least one person. Teams also had to ensure the submersible was equipped with a movable arm to aid in their scientific research of the oceans.


This integrated project was designed to meet learning objectives in science, HASS and design technology. Stop by the Year 4 classroom to see the final prototypes! 

Ms Catherine Boots

R-6 Teacher


Dear parents/guardians,


We are happy to announce that we are available for Term 4 Vacation Care (ROCKETEERS) commencing from 9th December, 2022. This Vacation Care Program theme is ' Your Passport To Fun'. Please go online to book your children in advance and avoid last minute bookings. We have some exciting upcoming excursions and activities this Rocketeers such as exploring the SA Art Gallery and SA Base Camp.


We are also encouraging children to give their ideas on future programming. This allows the OSHC program to be more tailored to children interest, whilst keeping within OSHC guidelines. Program suggestions have so far included Gymnastics, Inside Bowling and Baking Activities. We have also been enjoying outside fun, including Basketball, Playground Time and Nature Exploring. As we are in Term 4, we are reminding children and parents of the 'No Hat, No Play in the Sun' policy. Please remeber to pack hats and sunscreen, if your child has a specific preference of sunscreen.


The service operating hours are:               

After School Care: 3:00-6:00 pm

Rocketeers Vacation Care: 7:30 am to 6:00 pm

OSHC contact number: 0429840240


Please feel free to come and chat if you have any concerns.